My nephew has H1N1 otherwise known as ... THE SWINE FLU!
So does a friend of my girls. It's hitting here very hard. The good news is that once you are diagnosed, you can get on the TamiFlu and get better quickly. So I'm not going to freak out, too much!
More good news....I'm leaving on a jet Texas tomorrow. I'm going to visit my friend
catnip_rocks . And another friend I met through my *coughobsessioncough* of CSI.
This is the first trip I've gone by myself in almost two years. My family and I went to Hawaii in March. Now this time, I'm going alone. I'm excited since the weather in Texas is supposed to be sunny and beautiful. Unlike here, were it's getting to be cold, wet and rainy. I do love fall in the northwest but not when it rains. I guess we can't help that though can we?
I know it's been a long time since I updated my journal, but not much is going on in my life. :)
Take care everyone