I haven't updated this in a while. I should update more, it would make my posts more relevant to what is going on in my life.
FF was fun. I made some friends! I went with Mech, and stayed with a friend of mine in the area, Sten. I met this nice couple who live in Cali, and a panda, who goes by Tari, who is from Long Island.
Tari came and visited me a few weeks ago during Halloween. It was super fun! :D It must happen again!
Max. Knows. Everyone cool. I need to start hanging out with Max more. His friends are all super cool, and semi-famous. Not like, super famous, like senators or anything, but semi-famous, in that they are Moot, or started the company that created Rock Band, or used to own Reddit, or started Creative Commons in Brazil a few weeks ago, or have a show on Discovery Channel.
Also, I need to get more hot. This guy is super hot:
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_S8cOhkOAB9w/SSa1fCbEzDI/AAAAAAAAAGk/NwQgm7rchTs/s1600-h/051hvfsdqf2.jpg If I looked like that, I wouldn't need to wear shirts anymore. I will start working out again! I WILL!
Also, I need to learn 18.03...... Rigghhhtttt Noooowwwwww
Also, also, my throat hurts.. Ugh, I hope I'm not getting anything.