Prompts and Be Forewarned!

Mar 16, 2009 21:12

My prompts from last week (and no I can't believe some of what I wrote :P  I blame it on the 3 sentence theme!! And I am posting my stories from the FFIA weekend! To the comms today so sorry if you feel i'm everywhere today :P

Happy, SPN, Sam/Dean, car

The Impala was the whisper of home and safe and everything that gave them the freedom to live the lives they chose. Sam had fought his way through too many things, too many lives that he had wanted to live for it to be easy, but Dean had always be clear. He only needed two things in life to be happy; the Impala and Sam.

The Quiet Ones, SPN, Sam/Jo, Twist

Now, this was a twist. She’d always pegged Dean for the bad boy, the aggressive one that needed to dominate. Really, she thought as she wrapped her legs around Sam’s waist as he held her up against the wall, pushing into her, she needed to pay more attention to the quiet geeky boys that always said please and thank you ma'am.

Superstition, HP/SPN, Dean/Luna, doorframes

“They say once you step out one, you never know where you’ll end up so you should always wear good shoes and keep at least one dried bund beetle in your pocket.”

“Is that what they say?”

The girl might be batty as hell, but Dean Winchester, good little Slytherin that he was, never said no to a hot girl and Luna was hot as hell, pressed against the doorframe, legs around his waist and eyes tilted to the wood , seeing nothing but superstition.

Good Girl, SPN/HP, Jo/Malfoy, teeth

His teeth scraped against her flesh, biting down softly at the skin just under her ear. She didn’t know why she was there, didn’t know why Jo Harvelle, the darlin’ of Huffelpuff was riding between the wall and Draco Malfoy, the hardest, darkest of Slytherin. “Such a good girl,” he whispered in her ear, and she remembered exactly why she was there.

A Hand Up, SPN/TSCC, Sam/Cameron, up against the car

He knows she’s not human but that’s never really stopped him before. Cameron pulls her skirt up and doesn’t hesitate as she pushed back into his thrusts, the bombed out car underneath her groaning with the movements. The world had ended and all that people had now was what they were willing to take, but Sam was still Sam and when he finished he smiled at her, giving her a hand up “My name is Sam.”

Different, SPN/DA, Sam/Alec, motorcycle ride

He looked the same, felt the same, and tasted the same but there were two things that made the heat between them okay. The barcode at the nape of his neck and the motorcycle that made this man so different from his brother. The only ink on Dean’s skin was the tattoo he and Sam shared and although riding the motorcycle at Alec’s back was a whole new feel of freedom, Dean would never leave his baby.

Needles, SPN/Firefly, Dean/Simon, playing doctor

“You don’t trust doctors, do you?”

Dean was pressed onto his back on the sick bay table, hot kisses trailed down his neck as soft, un-calloused hands guided him into Simon’s body.

“Maybe I just need to find one that’ll let me be the one to stick the needle in.”

Hard, CWRPS, Jared/Jensen, against the wall

Hands gripped him tight and he never wanted to stop the rush, the heat, the need that drove into him from behind and from his own desire. He’d wanted this for too long to protest the manner of taking so he encouraged him instead, hands gripping against naked thighs and words strewn from his mouth that could have been the audio track for porn. He’d never expected to have this, never wanted it more as Jared took him hard for the first time, biting into the flesh of his shoulder as he came inside him up against the wall.

Cherry, RPS, Jared/Jensen, goth!verse, just a taste


Jared looked up at Jensen’s beautiful, kohl encircled eyes in confusion as the man pressed his lips to his, tongue licking over his lip ring and across the expanse of Jared’s lower lip.

“I just needed a taste."

Superman, CWRPS, Jared/Jensen, goth!verse, sugar-high

There was nothing careful in his carefully ripped clothes anymore as Jared tore into them, fingers finding holes and pulling them apart, ripping with those giant hands and an almost visible kinetic energy that seemed to be his new superpower; faster than speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to strip tall lovers in a single bound. Jensen nearly laughed at the thought of Jared’s sugar-high inducing super powers but then Jared bit down hard into his shoulder and pushed up into him. He wanted to tease but the only words that escaped his throat were “My fucking superman.”

Not Yet, PRS, Jeff/Jensen, end

“All things have to end baby boy.”

Jeff said the words and it made Jensen want to hit something, only Jeff was reaching for him, pressing kisses to catch his tears and letting his hands brush softly over his naked skin.

“But not yet.”

Beautiful, DA RPS, Michael/Jensen, seduce

“Here, let me.”

Jensen wasn’t sure what to say when Michael reached over, his hands pulling at Jensen’s shirt and sending it flying across the room with no apparent regard for the blush that was flushing up his chest and neck.

He really didn’t know what to say when Michael brought his hand to his cheek, tilted it up slightly, and breathed across his lips in the form of “So fucking beautiful.”

Respect, Firefly/Star Trek, Mal/Kirk, Captain



And Mal smirked because, really, after everything had been said and done the night before, Captain was the only word that expressed the respect and trust and faith they shared for one another.

Guardian, SG-1, Jack/Daniel, Teal'c watching

Daniel sighed into the kiss, taking his time to explore the curves of Jack’s warmth beneath him when Jack suddenly broke away looking at the tent opening. Daniel pulled his face closer, understood how hard this was on Jack, how new all of this was to them both, to the whole team really.

“Don’t worry Jack, Teal’c is watching out for us.”

The Box, Leverage, Nate/Eliot, toys

Eliot didn’t think he’d every experienced anything like Nate before in his life. Considering how much he’d been around, that was saying something, so it was really a surprise when he found himself blushing like a bride on the wedding night as Nate, straddling his hips, held out a small box.

“How do you feel about toys?”

A Guy, Leverage, Eliot/Hardison, seduce

“Are you trying to seduce me?”

Hardison shrugged and it was just about all Eliot could do to not throw the man to the wall and follow him to it.

Instead, he smiled as he moved to the couch Hardison was resting on and smiled sweetly saying “I’m a guy Hardison, all you had to do was ask.”

fanfic: terminator: sarah connor chronic, fanfic: firefly/serenity, *fanfic: supernatural, fanfic: dark angel, prompt, fanfic: star trek, fanfic: harry potter, j2, fanfic: rps, challenge: comment_fic, fanfic: stargate: sg-1

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