Title: The Jared Padalecki Adventure Series
hunters_retreatPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Summary: Legends have to begin somewhere.
Jared Padalecki and the Mystery of the Egyptian MummySummary: Jared is a young Egyptologist trying to find a prize. Jensen is an adventurer in need of a mystery. Jared provides him with one. This is the story of the legend they become.
Jared Padalecki and the Faith of the Feathered SerpentSummary: They were legend, the Egyptologist with a love of mysteries and the General with a love of adventure. Over the years they'd faced everything Egypt had to offer, never backing down and never giving in, until they'd tamed her secrets. What happens when they find themselves leaving their home for the wonders of the new world in search of a missing colleague? What happens when Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are surrounded by jungles and ruins and find the faith of the fallen serpent?