Of Wings To Fly (Part Six)

Jul 22, 2014 00:18

Title: Of Wings to Fly
Rating: R
Summary: Jared Padalecki is the world’s foremost Augmentor, an expert in making life better through technological advancement.  He’s designed steam-fueled carriages and even made improvements to his brother’s airship.  His passion though is to help the less fortunate, to use mechanics and gear work to help heal broken bodies.  In all his years as an Augmentor, Jared has never let any of his clients get under his skin, but no other client has ever been like Jensen Ackles before.  Jensen is a Mer with surgically created legs instead of a tail and a broken exoskeleton that should make it possible for him to walk.

It isn’t a simple task.  From the first observation, something feels wrong to Jared.  His desire to help Jensen takes him on a long journey, through confidantes and betrayal, airship flights and naval battles, to grief and love.  As Jared and Jensen find the truth behind the broken exoskeleton, they find an even greater truth.  It doesn’t take wings to learn to fly.

Or, the J2 AU Steampunk Little Mermaid.

It took three days for Jared to learn how to control his wings properly on his own.  He’d designed them but Jensen seemed to have an intuitive understanding that Jared didn’t.  By the time Jared was healed enough to try flight, Jensen had mastered his own wings and had been an excellent teacher.

He had it down now though, mostly.  He watched the rest of the ship from the ropes at the bottom of the airship’s balloon.  It had become his favorite place to view the ship.  He could fly up there and then grab hold of the ropes and watch as the world passed by.
He loved the Chaser.  He had since his brother bought her and he’d loved the air long before that.  He’d spent most of his life on an airship but he’d gone to ground to follow his professional dreams.  This was going to be his home now though and Jared was happy to finally be with his brother again.

Jared turned his focus to the deck where Jensen hovered over it.  He could fly like he was born with wings but he still couldn’t hover and walk.  He got better every day but once Jensen had made the first attempt he’d become determined to find a way to use his wings to allow him to walk.  Jared admired his dedication and he watched him closely.

Too closely, he thought, as Noah waved at him from the deck.  Jared spread his wings and pushed away from the ropes.   He knew he should stay where he was, but if he ignored his brother’s call he’d just postpone the inevitable.

He pulled his wings closer as he dove but pulled them open to catch the wind to land carefully on the deck.  Jensen looked up from his attempts at walking but Jared just smiled at him a moment before he turned back to his brother.

Noah stood at the wheel of the ship, his hands comfortable and sure at the helm.  “Little brother,” Noah said as Jared joined him.  His wings twitched as he tried to settle them more comfortably.  He had a few modifications he needed to talk to Osric about in the next few days.

“Captain,” Jared said as he stood next to Noah.

“Saw you up top.”

“I was enjoying the view.”

“I saw that.  The skies are beautiful but I didn’t notice your eyes turned that way.”

Jared glared at his brother but Noah laughed.  “I’ve gotten used to it, Jared.  The first day he came on deck with those wings, I yelled myself hoarse to keep the men on task.  No one had seen a man with wings before.”

Jared looked down at his feet to hide his smile.  “I said I wouldn’t join a ship until I could fly.”

“I thought you meant you wanted to learn to navigate.”

Jared let his head back and laughed.  “Good thing I didn’t.  It looks like Jensen has done well enough in that regard.”

“He’s a gifted navigator, Jared,” Noah said quietly.  “If I had no other reason to have him on the Chaser then that would be enough.  He understands the winds as well as any aeronaut I’ve ever met.”

“Good,” Jared said.  When Noah smiled again, Jared shook his head.  “I just meant that it was good he was able to be useful to you.  For you and for him.”

“No worries, Jared.  No matter how much I enjoy teasing you, I like Jensen far too much to make him uncomfortable.”

“But I don’t merit that sort of mercy?”

“You showed up on my ship in the middle of the night so that I could whisk him away to safety.  You show up later with wings you designed for him and a pair for yourself.  I know that look I see in your eye, Little Brother, and I will tease you mercilessly whenever I can.”

Jared shook his head but he couldn’t stop his grin from growing wider.  “I should have stayed on land.”

“Maybe,” Noah said.  “But until you change your mind, why don’t you go on over and help our Mer friend out.  Looks like he’s grown tired of walking today.”

Jared looked over to see Jensen sitting on the railing of the ship.  As much as he wanted to open his wings and fly, he decided to walk.  Noah had enough to tease him about as it was.

“Enjoying the view?” Jared asked when he reached Jensen’s side.

The Mer looked at Jared and smiled.  “I’ve never seen mountains like this before.”

“You passed mountains on the Chaser before I came aboard,” Jared said.

“Not like this.”

Before Jared could say anything, Jensen leaned back over the edge and dropped off the airship.  Jared didn’t think before he jumped onto the railing and dove over.  He kept his wings pulled tight as he dropped until the winds were right.  He opened his wings and felt the force of the wind pull him up.

He heard laughter float on the wind and he turned to see Jensen above him.  His wings were different from Jared’s and Jared secretly thought they were far more beautiful than his own.  Maybe not so secretly, since the night before, Alona had quietly told him that his wings were beautiful too but that Jared had eyes for the man with the wings and not the wings.  It was the first time she’d openly addressed his inclinations and from her smile. he knew she wasn’t judging him.  She was a fine woman and a good friend.  Jared knew he’d miss her terribly when he was gone.

Jensen shifted in the winds and dropped down until he was flying beside Jared.  The smile Jensen gave him was blinding and Jared let himself smile back as he enjoyed their afternoon flight.


Jared woke to a soft knock at his door.  He crawled groggily out of bed to find one of the crewmen at the door with a request that he join the captain as soon as possible.  Jared stumbled around the room and got dressed quickly.  As they learned to use their wings, Jared and Jensen had been taking them off at night to sleep and he was grateful this morning that he didn’t have to worry about running into anything below deck.  He could walk the quarters with his wings held tight to his back but just barely.

He joined Noah in his quarters and found Jensen already there in his wheelchair.  He looked fresh and ready to start the day, whereas Jared knew he was a mess.  He’d managed clothes and a quick brush of his hair but he had never been good at mornings and Noah’s smile said he remembered that.

“Good of you to join us, Jared,” Noah said as Jared took a seat.

“Sorry, I was-”

“I know,” Noah smiled as he interrupted.  “The first mate told me how late you and Master Chau were in here, working on schematics.”

“Something new?” Jensen asked.

“Osric was working on some improvements to the wings that would allow them to pull tighter and settle better when we aren’t wearing them.  I was working on some designs for the ship.  We need to settle our living quarters quickly.”

“Your living quarters?” Noah asked, looking between Jared and Jensen.

Jared’s mouth hung open before he began to ramble.  “Not our living quarters.  I mean, yes, we both need quarters to live but not our
living quarters as in Jensen and I-“

Jensen stopped his ramble by taking his hand in his own and twining their fingers together.  Jared stopped and looked down at his hand before he looked up at Jensen.  “Our living quarters.”  He looked back at Noah then who watched with a small smirk in place.  Bastard.

“I don’t think you called us into your quarters to embarrass your brother though,” Jensen smiled at Noah, “no matter how entertaining his rambling is when you get him flustered.”

Noah laughed and Jared relaxed even as he tried not to focus on the warm feel of Jensen’s hand on his own.  It wasn’t allowed, in polite society.  The few times Jared had found someone of the same inclination, their dalliances had been entirely private.  To have Jensen’s hand in his own like this was something Jared would never have dreamed of for himself.  Jared was overwhelmed and it hit him for the first time that he was well and truly in love with Jensen.

Noah began to speak but Jared couldn’t hear anything he said as he continued to stare at Jensen’s hand in his.  When Jensen set his other hand on top of their joined hands, he looked up at Jensen.

“Jared, are you alright?”

He took a deep breath and nodded but he didn’t look Jensen in the eye.  He wasn’t sure he could just yet.  He looked at his brother though and there was a look of understanding there that Jared wasn’t sure was much better.  Noah had always been sympathetic to Jared’s need to hide his feelings.  Jared had always been an affectionate person and his need to hide who he loved had never settled well with him.  Jared had learned not to let himself feel too much for anyone because it could never be what he wanted.  He had a chance at that now though.  Jensen didn’t care about human societal norms and Noah had given him a place on his ship where Jared’s inclinations wouldn’t be judged.  Sailors, of the air or the sea, always seemed to be less judgmental of other people’s vices and Jared knew his brother had surrounded himself with like-minded people.

“I’m sorry.  What did you ask us here for, Noah?”

“I had a message arrive last night by carrier pigeon.  You know I like to keep abreast of the world when we’re between ports and my people send messages whenever something is happening.  The news I received is disconcerting and it is in regards to the Mer.”

“I’m in exile, Noah.  I’m not connected to that world anymore.”

“Jensen, they’re going to war.”


“The news I received is that a navy is heading towards Mer territory and the Mer are preparing to meet them for battle on the Southern Sea.”

“How the hell did he let it get this bad?” Jensen asked as he pulled his hand away from Jared.  He closed his eyes and ran both hands through his short cropped hair.  “What are you thinking, Jos?”

“So you know Legatus Jos?” Noah asked.  It was obvious that Noah had expected such a reaction even if Jared hadn’t.

Jensen looked up at Noah.  “I’m sorry.  I need to leave the ship.  I have to get to the Mer before they do something terrible.”
Noah nodded.  “We changed course as soon as I got word.  Navigator, if you would plot us a new course, the Chaser will get you to your people as soon as possible.”

Jensen turned and left the room without looking back.  Jared was still stunned but Noah set his hand on Jared’s shoulder.  “No one avoids their homeland without a reason,” he said softly.  “Jensen is, without question, the most talented navigator I have ever worked with, even the Mer.  I don’t know who he is but with his ability he had to have been someone important, Jared.”

Jared just nodded dumbly.

“We’ll get him there safe and then he’ll come back to you Jared.  You don’t have to worry about that.”

“Noah,” his voice was a bare whisper.  “I-”

“He loves you too, Jared.”  Noah reassured him.  “He watches you the same way you watch him.  He’s not afraid to show it either.  I think he’s just waiting to see if he means more to you than a chance to make wings.”

“You know he does.”

“I do.  You both just need time to figure out what those wings were really for.”

“To fly?”

Noah laughed.  “Like I said, you need just need time to figure it out.  Until then, go look at the engine and see if you can do anything to get us to the Southern Sea faster.”

Jared gave his brother a half salute, “Aye, aye, Captain.”

The next three days were tense as Jensen became more and more agitated.  Jensen spent time locked in the captain's quarters with Noah though all Jared knew of the discussions were that both Jensen and Noah left them frustrated. Jared didn't know how to help either man. Jensen was tight lipped and Noah, who usually confided his ship-board troubles to Jared, refused to say anything.

Jared's only source of pleasure was knowing that at the end of the day, Jensen still found him at the railing for a night time flight below the Chaser.  Jensen would lay his hand over Jared's on the rail, or fly up underneath Jared and touch him.

It wasn't much. It wasn't all the things Jared longed for with Jensen but it was enough to let him know that whatever Jensen was frustrated about had nothing to do with him.

The morning light had just come over the horizon when Jensen showed up beside Jared at the rail. Jared had been up late working on a design for their quarters but he never missed a sunrise on deck. It had been the same since his childhood.

"We'll arrive at the Central Isles at midday," Noah said as he settled at Jared's side by the rail. Jared hasn't had much time to spend with his brother since he had come on board.  It was a rare, quiet moment between the brothers as Jared nodded. When Jensen joined them, Jared knew there was a reason behind their visit.

"I have asked the captain to allow me leave to go to the Central Isles on my own," Jensen said as he broke the silence that surrounded them.

"You can't be serious!  I won't allow you to go alone," Jared demanded.  He turned on his brother then. "I can't believe you would agree-”

"I didn't," Noah interrupted. "I told Jensen that I couldn't stop him from flying overboard with this fool notion of keeping the Chaser out of trouble, but I knew two things. One, that there was no way I was leaving the love of my brother's life to uncertain turmoil with his people."

Jared felt his cheek redden at his brother's blatant reference to his feelings for Jensen.

“Two, I reminded Jensen that even if he jumped over the edge and flew off without us, he’d never manage to outfly you.”

Jensen didn’t look happy about the captain’s words but Jared was grateful his brother was willing to stand by them.  “Right.  So what is the plan, Jensen?”

He looked at Jared with clenched fists and tension riding high in his shoulders.   “Jeff told you who I was, didn’t he?”

It wasn’t as much of a question as it was confirmation.  Jared just nodded.

“You never said anything,” he continued.  “Why didn’t you?”

“It was your business, Jensen.  If you chose to leave the Mer world it wasn’t my place to give you grief over it.”

“I couldn’t go home while I was in that chair.  I couldn’t let them see what I’d become.  Once I got my wings I knew I would have to go back.  I had just hoped to have more time before I faced my family.”

“But they need you now,” Jared supplied.

“Yes, they do.  The trouble for the Legatus is centered around the missing Centurion.  I have to go back and at least let them know what happened to me.”

“You’re the Centurion?” Noah gasped.

Jensen looked at Jared’s brother and nodded.  “I deserted my post and now I have to go back and face the consequences.  The first thing I need to do is find the Legatus.  They’ll be with the rulers of the other houses.  My appearance will settle any squabble they have for now and allow us to focus on the news of the other navy sailing towards them.”

“The word is that the houses have been pressing for power.  Will your appearance really calm them so quickly?” Noah asked.

“No, but it will get them to align with my brothers under this current threat.  Once that is handled, the Legatus will have to account for my missing time.  It could be a messy business but for now being here will help my brothers.”

“Alright Jensen,” Noah said with a grim smile.  “Point us in the right direction.”

On to Chapter Seven

story: of wings to fly, genre: slash, setting: steampunk, au, j2, fanfic: rps

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