Moments Like These

Sep 24, 2011 23:57

Title: Moments Like These
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Tony/Gibbs, Abby/McGee
Summary: The cloud swept over everyone, leaving some unchanged, leaving others unable to stop the rage, and others still changed beyond belief. It had no respect for station or power and those left behind were forced topick up the pieces and try to make it through the hardest winters in a century. Two years had gone by since Gibbs had seen his team. McGee was there with him, Ducky safely hidden away as a commodity in times when a real physician was rare. Every night, Gibbs found himself on the wall that surrounded his hometown and looked out for his missing members. He knew there were at least two still alive, fighting to get back to them.  He couldn't track them, didn't know how to find them in the mess they were left with, but if there was anything he knew, it was that Tony would bring Abby back to them. Every night Tony went to sleep knowing he had to get Abby to Gibbs before their luck ran out again, before Abby became too weak and Tony was exposed for what he really was.
Author's Note: Written for the
ncis_bigbang.  Beta by the ever amazing
smidgeson.  All mistakes are mine. This was my first long NCIS fic and it was a great challenge!  And please leave some amazing feedback for my artist!  She did some amazing work on this and I still look at it and flip out!  *hugs*  She had to be out of town today so if she decides to put up a master art page I will post with it!  Hope you enjoy!

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six

challenge: big bang, genre: slash, fanfic: ncis, story: moments like these, genre: het, master post

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