Yeah! My NCIS big bang has an artist! Woohhooo! Now... to finish the story! LOL!
This makes three big bangs I have in the art process. Wow, I need to send out check in emails I think :P And I need to finish my stories! And get them to beta. *sighs* Thankfully the only other thing I need to do this weekend is write a two page paper by midnight tomorrow. I figure I can write that after the kiddies go to bed and then I can edit it in the morning. Which means free writing today! WOOHHOOO!
I need to finish up my scifibigbang (plot and scene layouts done but not written), my darkangel big bang (plot and scenes worked out but I need to work in my father/son moments between Bobby and Alec so a little rewriting of my plot is due), and my NCIS bigbang (not plotted out except in a general way in my head - but still plenty of time :P)
My current deadlines look like this:
08/06 The Fallen (
scifibigbang ) posting date
08/14 roncomorama posting over (need to write my NCIS Sliding Doors and J2 True Lies remakes)
samdean_otp mini bang draft due
08/24 Homecoming (
darkangel_bb ) posting date
j2_kane_bigbang draft due
startrekbigbang draft due
spn_meanttobe posting begins
rpf_big_bang draft due
thelittlebang draft due
I hope I didn't miss anything there. Also, I have updates on Nothing Else Matters, charming, and Taking Chances to edit since they'd come back from beta already. Think I'll do a little writing and then hit up the edits. I still have 7 verses that haven't been updated since kiss bingo in Feb. so I'm working on those as well :P