Jun 19, 2011 14:03
First off, Happy Father's Day!! We got up and treated my hubby to fresh made monkey bread for breakfast. He had to work but i'm going to take a break from studying and editing to fix up a place for our laptops (an eye sore of a desk that is actually quite beautiful if we stopped throwing shit on top of it all the time) and organized it so we can have a 'space' for our laptops and books and personal stuff. Yeah, it's a bit for me too, but he hates clutter so way more for him than me :P. Plus I'm skipping out after our test tomorrow night to see a ballgame with him and the kids! yeah!
So yeah, it's father's day. After the interesting conversations that started up when I asked people their thoughts on John Winchester I wanted to give this another go and see what else came up. So a new conversation today.
Father Figures. I can see two big ones in the lives of the Winchester Boys (and I'm leaving their actual father out of this because 1) already discussed him and 2) funny how he fits 'figure' better than 'father' and that sort of makes him ineligible IMO.
Dean ends up with a pretty strong father figure in the show. Now, we hear them talk about Caleb and Bobby and Pastor Jim from their youth but we don't really see how they relate to them. But we do know that the only person Dean ever called when they were in trouble that first season was John so I'm thinking there wasn't a strong enough presence of the others in their lives that they felt they could call. I will call that the John-enforced bubble, his need to keep his boys safe by keeping them isolated from the world (especially the hunters in their midst). He knew when to go and ask for help, but he made sure they knew to keep their distance as well.
I think the relationship that develops between Dean and Bobby is a perfect example of this. You can see Bobby really cares for the boys. You can see he'd have been there for them (remember Weekend at Bobby's and how he was helping everyone? It's just in Bobby's nature to share the knowledge. Damn it. Now I want to write a story of Xavier and Bobby opening a school for mutants and hunters - to protect humanity from the 'others' that would try to do them harm. *sighs* I so don't have time to write a SPN/X-Men crossover right now. at least... not before I see the new movie!) Anyway, so we can see that Bobby would do damn near anything for the boys (Wheel chair and One Bullet. Enough said.)(((Damn it! Did you see that! I just named the goddamn story too! I will NOT write this right now!)))
In the time since John died, we see a new Dean. We see a Dean who opens up more (not often, but when needed for certain.) We see a man who is changing a shifting because his view of himself is no longer pinned to a man who demanded absolute obedience, little praise, and cutting comments to keep him in line (those are just the facts folks. Not getting into the debate again :P). We see how Dean might have been given the encouragement that Bobby gives him. Dean comes to rely on Bobby (And dare I say, his love?) and it makes him a stronger person. He becomes less tied to the black and white world and is really allowed to shine through. He makes a lot of bad choices, but like any child given their first steps of freedom, Dean is learning. He was what, 27 when John died? He was never 'out of the house' though. He lived under his father's roof and his father's rules and never had a chance to learn. When John died, he was faced with making his own decisions for the first time. With Bobby's gentle guidance we see him go from walking martyr to a competent, caring person (one who fit seamlessly into the 'normal' live with Ben and Lisa).
So, Bobby. Dean. Father/Son relationship.
We see it with Sam too, but not to the extent. And I'm gonna tell you why I feel it like that. Dean doesn't have another father figure, but Sam always has.
Bingo. Big brother. Dean has always been a father figure to Sam (and arguable just a straight out father depending on how you feel about John). Dean takes care of Sam. In sickness and health, blood of my blood, gonna take a bullet for you and smile when you pull it out just so long as if didn't get you kinda parenting. How many hours did Dean sit outside that panic room while Sam detoxed the first time? How much you wanna bet he spent more time the second time around??
Dean is everything a father should be. Sam is intelligent and not afraid to follow his curiosity. He asks questions and expects get get answers. He might get antsy when Dean isn't there from time to time, but he calms when his brother is near (a sure sign of a healthy parent/child relationship actually :P). Sam never wonders if his brother loves him and Sam is able to have 'normal' adult relationships when he goes to Stanford because of his interactions with Dean. He doesn't question authority the way Dean does because Sam has no need to rebel against them instinctively the way Dean does. Sam's authority figure his entire life was the kind that explained things to him, took the time to see that he understood.
So. Dean. Sam. Father/son relationship.
That's my take on it anyway. Dean/Sam and Bobby/Dean. Honestly, given their lives and what they do, what better father figures could you find?
What's you're take on it, my friends?