As soon as I finish a challange I feel a need to look at what's next. And bore you with lists of it. This time is no different :P
But... to my shock I've found that I have *gasp* signed up for 3 new big bangs in the last week. *shakes head*
The crazy list of challenges to come:
spn_j2_bigbang - posting on 06/22! Yeah! Shit! I need to finish it and get it to beta!
sncross_bigbang - final due on 06/23! Shit! Need to finish it too! :P this is my TSCC/SPN Crossover!
darkangel_bb - draft due on 05/30 - Crossover with Supernatural... whereas Bobby is the adopted father of one Alec McDowell. Everything is fund until Alec becomes psychic and Bobby does the only thing he can for his boy... introduce him to the WInchesters. (Sam/Dean, Alec/Jo - at least that is my aim. You know me. It could very well become an orgy... :P No.. that's not a complaint!)
scifibigbang - draft due on 07/01. I can't decide. I was gonna write something original, but I think I might save the idea for Nano. My other thought it so write the sequel to Home Is Where The Heart Is for this one :P I've already got it started and I love it already!
ncis_bigbang - draft due on 07/15. Post-apocalyptic Gibbs and McGee (with Ducky in tow) track down DiNozzo and Abby as they try to keep themselves safe from the rest of the remaining population. IDEK. I'm a little in love with the idea of bonded Gibbs/DiNozzo separated though as gibbs tries to get to him and Tony has to keep running to keep Abby (and himself) safe. I've never written anything big for NCIS before though so it should be interesting!
**vacationthon!!! Fic exchange due on 07/17! YEAH!
**romcomorama!!! Due on 08/14. I'm doing two stories because I couldn't help myself.
Sliding Doors - NCIS style. What if Gibbs married red head number 4? What if he didn't & things in Baltimore went down a bit differently? Two alternate timelines to the one we know.
True Lies - J2 style. Only... who do I make Arnold and who is Jamie Lee? Jensen could totally rock the spy world.. but Jared definitely has the body for it. AND... Jensen could totally be the shy taken-forgranted lover who is hot to trot for a little action... but Jared could totally be the dance around the bed and fall clumsily in the middle of what WAS a sensual dance. This will be a tough choice :P
startrekbigbang - draft due 09/01. This is the one bang I failed next year and I am determined to do it! Kirk/Spock/Bones. Bones was always the tricky one.
rpf_big_bang - draft due 09/03. Honestly, I signed up for this one in case I don't get Kingdom of Crowns done by then. That's the only reason. Though if I do happen to find it done early and still have time... I'm sure something will come to mind :P
thelittlebang - draft due 09/12. God help me guys... femmeslash! I never thought I'd do it, but i'm suddenly obsessed with the idea of Jess/Jo... incest. Yep... you heard it here!
Which puts me at 9 bigbangs this year since my
apocabigbang already posted (if I can stop myself from signing up for more... as opposed to last year's 14 ... which if I take away the 3 reverse bangs I did.. puts me at 11... not much in the way of stopping this year, was it? :P) Plus 5 movie remakes (Incredibles, Three Musketeers, & Wanted posted already!)
And you know.. not to toot my own horn... but I'm really sorta enjoying looking at the strange variety of things I've written since I joined fandom. Seriously, fandom is an awesome place! And now.. I'm going to start some verse updates before
insane_songbird refuses to give me more wolves!