The Clock Verse

Jan 07, 2009 21:32

Series: The Clock 'Verse
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sam tells his father he's going to Stanford, but something unexpected happens. AU
Author's Notes: This is more a 'verse than a series as each one will really be a stand alone. It will tell of the brother's time together out from under John's wing. Not sure where this will end up and who will be making appearances. And I would also say because of that this will contain spoilers for all episodes (just so I don't have to worry about it later :P)

The Clock Verse
One O'Clock : John forces Dean's hand.

Three O'Clock :  Sam reminds Dean that it's been too long since he had anything of his own.

Eleven O'Clock : Sam and friends deserve a night out after their first quarter finals are done.

Six O'Clock : Dean makes dinner.

Eight O'Clock : Dean has aspirations he doesn't think he can attain.  Sam reminds him there is nothing the Winchester boys can't do together.

Four O'Clock : Sam's study group isn't complete without Dean.  Sam isn't the only one who thinks so.

Ten O'Clock : Dean meets with someone but hides it from Sam.  Or he would if Sam didn't know him so damn well.

Three O'Clock : Dean thinks he can handle it alone, but it's Sam that ends up handling it.

Seven O'Clock : Dean's keeping secrets, but then again, so is Sam.

Four O'Clock:  Dean can't stand to hear the pain in Sam's voice, perhaps because it sounds just like the thoughts in his own head.

Eleven O'Clock: Dean's comfort of choice is greasy food.  Sam finds watching Dean cook is one of his.  And behind it all is a conversation four years in the making.

Five O'Clock: Dean wants to make their first date special and Jess is awesome, as always.

Eight O'Clock: It's the morning after and Sam wakes up alone.  Where could Dean be?

Ten O'Clock: Dean took the GED.  It's time to celebrate!

Six O'Clock : Sam wakes up too early and Dean helps him go back to sleep.
Twelve O'Clock: At the stroke of midnight, they didn’t notice the fireworks at all.

Eleven O' Clock : Sam stared at his brother, knowing he’d crack under the silent treatment.  It wasn’t that Dean didn’t do things like this for him from time to time but a picnic lunch was more than just a simple decision to surprise him.  Dean had gone out of his way.

Two O' Clock : Sam was a dirty fighter when he wanted something though and Dean realized his little brother had woken up fully before they’d stumbled into bed together.

One O'Clock : Dean’s eyes widened and Sam realized a second too late that it was the first time he’d said those words.  That it was the first time he knew without any doubt creeping in that he not only loved his brother, but he was in love with him.

Nine O'Clock  : Dean probably didn’t deserve that smile after leaving Sam to wake alone after last night, but he’d needed to think so he’d left Sam a note to meet him here when he woke.

Five O'Clock : He didn’t stop his instinct to turn into his lover and press his lips to Dean’s. Dean returned the kiss with equal fervor.

Unspecified  Timestamp:

Collecting Butterflies: Dean and Sam have a little down time. (definitely after Eight O'Clock)

I Like the Way You Think Sam and Dean and a little dancing. (set sometime after Six O'Clock)

The Pendulum Swings: John's Version

verse: clock, genre: slash, *fanfic: supernatural, wip, stanford-era, master post

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