
Jan 13, 2011 17:21

So I have decided to do three bangs so far this year.  I think I gave myself the permission to do 6 specific ones and three of them are in sign-up phase already so I'm pretty excited about it.  especially since I just figured it out! :P

apocabigbang - i'm gonna go completely off the reservation and go with NCIS for my story.  Tony/Gibbs after some sort of bio-terrorist thing I think :P  Still working on the details but I have a fandom and a general idea.  I'm thinking something along the lines of making people revert to animalistic urges or pushing ahead with turning them psychic to the point they go insane and kill each other... we'll see what happens.  Go me!  :P

spn_j2_bigbang  - I'm finishing Violently this year.  Dub-con (Non-con depending on how you look at it), Dark story about how Sam and Dean deal with their lives and how hard they push/pull at each other over the years to try to make their world make sense.

sncross_bigbang  - SPN/TSCC crossover.  John Winchester meets Sarah Connor (or Sam and Dean get a brother and nothing really changes because really... what better experience is there for defending the world from futuristic killer cyborgs than hunting supernatural baddies? )

In the works: My J2_everafter stories and I spent time last night working on a banner for the Clock Verse and on a visual treat for my Face Verse... tee  hee hee ...  If you love Face Verse, this might take a while but I think "Facets" will make you very happy :P


just an update

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