i cheer for Male slash, but with nikita, it was either nikita/michael, or nikita/alex (hurt comfort)... so the threesom... i like! btw! you managed the online pdf file thing!!!!
And Yes... I Nikita/Michael is one of the only het pairing i've shipped, though I didn't find fandom when I was watching the old USA show (Which I loved...) :p
When I saw the posters for Nikita I was utterly icked out. It looked like a totally exploitive "sexy women with weapons!" show. Then I actually watched the show and it's actually kinda like Dark Angel. Why couldn't the posters have shown the Dark Angel aspects instead of Nikita's barely covered ass and stupidly high heels?
I agree with your desire to see N/M/A. I actually really like Alex, there's something interesting about her. She's able to be kick ass and still really vulnerable.
I used to love the USA show La Femme Nikita, so it was pretty much a given that I would try this... however I was really thrown when it started from the movie's ending and not the show (though I should have realized they wouldn't continue on from the show :P) The relationships have really grown on me though.
I love the way Alex is played in this. I love how tough she can be and yet at times she's still so very young. I also like that we see a lot more of what Michael is thinking and feeling than the other show allowed. Even Operations is more emotional. I like it :P
And i'm sure once i'm past all my challenges... there will be fic :P
Comments 10
btw! you managed the online pdf file thing!!!!
And Yes... I Nikita/Michael is one of the only het pairing i've shipped, though I didn't find fandom when I was watching the old USA show (Which I loved...) :p
I agree with your desire to see N/M/A. I actually really like Alex, there's something interesting about her. She's able to be kick ass and still really vulnerable.
I love the way Alex is played in this. I love how tough she can be and yet at times she's still so very young. I also like that we see a lot more of what Michael is thinking and feeling than the other show allowed. Even Operations is more emotional. I like it :P
And i'm sure once i'm past all my challenges... there will be fic :P
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