Title: Jared Padalecki and the Faith of the Feathered Serpent
hunters_retreat Fandom: J2 (CWRPS)
Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Summary: They were legend, the Egyptologist with a love of mysteries and the General with a love of adventure. Over the years they'd faced everything Egypt had to offer, never backing down and never giving in, until they'd tamed her secrets. What happens when they find themselves leaving their home for the wonders of the new world in search of a missing colleague? What happens when Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are surrounded by jungles and ruins and find the faith of the fallen serpent?
“You did what?”
Jared smiled as he watched Chris’s reaction to his last story. As adventurous as Chris was, his friend apparently had a very low opinion of Jared spelunking.
“It got us where we needed to go,” Jared said with a shrug. They were catching up on old times, nothing to do but wait to see what their captors would do next. There were guards outside the door and while they outnumbered the guards, Jared could tell the people around them were in no condition to fight. If they had the physical strength they didn’t have the mental capacity anymore. Shock seemed to have eaten away at them and their enforced idleness had caused most of the remaining victims to withdraw into themselves. Jared wanted to shake them into action, but he knew better. It would take a long time to get over what they were witnessing, if they ever did.
“I think I need to have a talk with Jensen about what keeping you safe means.”
“I’ve never been hurt with him,” Jared said, looking up in confusion.
“Maybe, but this little trip ain’t exactly safe now is it?”
Jared shook his head, wondering how Jensen would take Chris’s overprotective streak. He didn’t think he’d be offended by him, but it was hard to tell. Sometimes the General would creep up into Jensen’s head and the archaic ideas he had always threw Jared for a loop.
“Jensen isn’t trying to keep me from exploring the world. He knows better than to try,” Jared insisted. “I’m not a child Chris and I can go where I want. That Jensen comes with me is a boon to my work and yes, he sees to my safety more often than not, but that doesn’t mean I need his approval to go where I want.”
They could have still been at the University for all Chris seemed to think he was capable of. Maybe it was because they were meeting this way. Chris had never seen Jared away from the safety of Academia. Even in their visits since school, they had always been in a museum or the safety of a hotel bar. They’d never had time to see one another on a dig and Jared wondered if maybe he’d made a mistake in letting Chris continue to think of him as the same snot-nosed kid who couldn’t find his way around campus.
Chris looked at him for a minute and sighed. “Yeah, I know Jared,” the older man said softly. “Just don’t think I’m capable of not wanting to see you safe. I never saw you happier than when you were buried under a pile of scrolls in the museum. Never would have thought to see you out in the field like this, no matter how much you’ve told me about it.”
Jared smiled. “You should. When we get out of this, we should find a dig together.”
“I still have Yaxchilan to work on,” Chris offered. “Don’t tell me you aren’t itching to translate the lintels.”
Jared laughed. “Maybe. Jensen seemed to like the New World.”
“The New World? Think your boy has some outdated thinking.”
“You have no idea.”
Chris opened his mouth to answer but the door to their small building was suddenly pulled open. The people around them began shuffling to the back, trying to push as far away from the men coming in as possible. Two men were inside the building and a third stood watch just outside.
They didn’t bother talking, but came forward, grabbing Chris by the shoulders. Chris didn’t fight at first, but as he got outside the building he snapped loose, one fist knocking the first guard to the ground as he rounded on the other two.
Jared was already springing into action. They weren’t expecting him to join in the fight so when he hit the guard, the man was completely off balance. He was about to swing again when the guard’s eyes rolled back in his head and Jared saw the dart in his neck. Jared looked up and just at the edge of the clearing he could make out the figure.
The blowgun was brought to the figure’s lips and the man Chris was fighting went down in a heap as well.
“Come on, let’s get them out of here,” Jared said, moving back into the building to get the other captives.
Jared tried to get a few people to follow him but they weren’t moving. Fear held them in place and Chris seemed just as defeated in the attempts as Jared was.
“Come on, Jared,” Jensen’s voice called into the room. “They’re waiting for their sacrifice. They aren’t going to wait much longer before they send more men to come looking.”
Jared looked up and Jensen was in the doorway, eyes moving across the open field in front of the building as he waited for them. “Yeah, I’m working on it.”
“Come on,” he said, trying to pull one of the women towards him. She shirked back from him even as he tried to get her out the door, “we need to get you to safety.”
They suddenly cowered behind Jared and he turned to see Jensen stalking into the room. If he hadn’t known the man himself he might have been intimidated. Even if Jensen was shorter than Jared, there was nothing small about his stature. He was over six foot tall and he had strong, broad shoulders and a well muscled figure. The General rested in his posture though and it was dark Egyptian eyes that stared back at him, menacing and commanding. When Jensen came towards the prisoners, they scrambled to move behind Jared. Jensen took one woman by the arm and shoved her out to Chris and though his friend scowled he took advantage as Jensen moved further into the building, the other captives moving through the door to avoid his menacing presence.
“General?” Jensen had never given Jared his real name from his life in Egypt but there was no mistaking the General was foremost in Jensen’s mind.
“Move it Jared,” he said stiffly, grabbing Jared’s arm and pushing him out the door.
Chris was already moving through the woods and Jensen jogged up to the front of the column to lead them away. Chris fell back to Jared’s side, his body language screaming at Jared for an answer. His eyes caught Jared’s for a moment and there was nothing but anger in there.
“You’re gonna be explaining that one later.”
Jared looked up to the front of the group to where Jensen was moving and hoped he had one. He’d never seen the General so close under Jensen’s skin, not since he’d first woken with the memories of being that man.
He didn’t answer Chris, just kept up, trying to make sure the people they were bringing with them could keep up as well.
They headed straight back to the ruins at Yaxchilan. Jared wasn’t sure that was the best plan but as they stepped into the clearing Jared saw that Jensen had somehow managed to get in touch with the locals. It was obvious some of the captives were known and for the first time Jared saw something more than fear from them. Those that didn’t have family present seemed to huddle a little closer together, but as the villagers approached them they were swept away towards waiting trucks that would take them further inland. They were wrapped in blankets and huddled together, surrounded by the familiar faces of their fellow villagers.
“Do you want to go with them?” Jensen asked as he came away from the group to stand where Jared and Chris were watching.
Jared smiled at Jensen and the older man just shook his head, frowning. He already knew Jared wasn’t going to leave. “How did they know?” He asked, nodding towards the trucks.
“We were close to one of the villages when they attacked. I went to get help but no one would go with me. I told them I was going to find the missing people and they still wouldn’t come, but they gave me the dart gun and some supplies. I told them if they were too cowardly to come with me then they could at least come here and wait for me,” Jensen said with a shake of his head.
“If you came off as strong as you did in the hut it’s not a surprise,” Chris said, turning to glare at Jensen. His arms were crossed over his chest and Jared could see the way his friend was ready to let loose on the other man. “These people need compassion for what they’ve been through. You have no idea how many friends and family they’ve lost to this.”
“If you’re going to act like a slave, I’ll treat you like one,” Jensen said, his eyes cold and hard. “I got them moving when your compassion kept them huddled within, pressing to the back of a hut hoping someone else would die in their place.”
“Guys, stop it. We got them out of there, but we still don’t have any idea what we’re dealing with,” Jared said, rubbing his hand over his forehead. He could feel a headache building but he wasn’t sure if it was from the earlier drugs, the pressure to get away, of the rocky start the two men beside him seemed to be having. He agree with Chris about what the victims needed, but Jared knew that Jensen had a lot more experience dealing with people who’d been traumatized like that. It might not be the best way to handle it, but it had got them moving. He looked up at Jensen, wondering suddenly when Jensen had ever had to learn to handle slaves like that, but he looked quickly away. The General was still riding close under Jensen’s skin tonight and he didn’t think he’d like any answer he might get. “We need to figure out our next move.”
A hand brushed up against the nape of his neck and Jared let himself relax a little into Jensen’s touch. “Go relax for a minute at our camp. The three of us can talk in private when they’re gone.”
Jared smiled at Jensen’s words and watched as he walked quickly away. “Where is he headed now?” Chris asked.
“No idea, but probably looking for something I’ll need in ten minutes but haven’t thought of yet.”
“Jared, are you sure about him?”
“Chris, you have to trust me on this. He got us out of there tonight.”
“We weren’t doing so bad on our own, Jared.”
Jared shook his head. “No, maybe not, but they weren’t going to stay quiet long the way things were going. They could have called for help and we might have gotten free, but we would have had to leave the others there. Jensen took care of that.”
“He was still an ass, Jared. Those people were terrified and he just started pushing them around. What was that shit about acting a slave?”
“He’s from a different culture, Chris, I thought you’d have understood that by now.”
“Really? He’s from a culture that still has slavery?”
“It’s a really long story, Chris and far more complicated than telling you I have visions.” Chris turned to look at him then and Jared just shook his head. “Let’s go sit down and we’ll see what we can come up with.”
“Alright boy, but when we get out of this, I expect a nice long dinner, some really good bourbon, and a really long list of all the things you haven’t told me.”
“That is a deal,” Jared gave him a small smile and then started walking through the clearing to the camp site he and Jensen had originally shared.
They didn’t make it back to the camp before Jared heard the trucks moving out. It was dark enough to be problematic driving, but Jared knew it was still safer to get them away from the ruins. At least he knew where Jensen had gotten off to.
Jared and Chris walked in silence then, the night air giving a slight chill as the breeze rushed over sweat soaked skin. Jared wanted to sleep more than anything else but he knew better than that. They’d managed to bring everyone out, but whoever was behind it wasn’t done. Even if they chose not to come back for their victims they’d go looking for more.
And Jared hadn’t forgotten what Chris said. If they really were making a sacrifice to the feathered serpent Jared, with his visions, was the perfect sacrifice. If they’d been watching Jared and Jensen since they arrived at the ruins, they could have seen his vision.
A fire had already been started in their small camp. He knew it was Jensen’s doing though he didn’t know how the man managed to get so many things done in such a short time.
Jared took a seat, letting his back rest against the log where he’d had his vision just the night before. It felt like a lifetime ago. He let his head fall back and took a deep breath. “I really need to start ignoring my visions,” Jared said quietly.
“Think I’ve been telling you that since we met,” Jensen answered just as softly.
Jared looked up to see Jensen coming into their circle with a tray in his arms. He sat it down between Jared and Chris and then pulled out the canteens that were swinging over his shoulder, handing one to each of them. “The locals left some stew for you. Thought it would go down well enough even if you hadn’t been fed. ”
“Thanks Jense,” Jared took a drink of water and pulled the bowl of stew closer. It smelled amazing and he didn’t wait to see Chris’s reaction before he started in on it. They were all quiet and Jared knew Chris was as focused on his food as Jared was. They’d kept the captives fed, but Chris had told him it was the basics with not enough to feed everyone properly. Jared knew better than to think Chris actually took as much as he needed when there were so many people that needed it.
When he was slowing down on the bowl Jared finally looked up. Jensen was sitting close but on another log, not letting himself get too close to Jared. He was staring out into the darkness of the ruins and Jared couldn’t help but watch him for a minute. The light caressed Jensen’s face, the fire dancing in the depths of his eyes as the moonlight brushed the rest of the world in pale blue light. He was beautiful. Jared could almost see him, dressed in traditional Egyptian clothes, standing above a field of battle, the faces of his men watching him with confidence and admiration.
“They’ll be back for Jared,” Chris said as he set his bowl back on the tray Jensen had brought.
“What?” Jensen’s eyes turned from the scenery to other man.
“Jared said he had visions. If they know anything about it they’ll want to use him as the last sacrifice.”
“Sacrifice? As in the cut your heart out kind?”
“Yeah,” Jared said, watching Jensen to see how he’d take the threat.
Jensen shook his head and smirked at Jared. “At least it’s yours this time.”
“What the hell?” Chris demanded as Jared and Jensen both laughed.
“Nothing,” Jared said softly. “So, what’s the plan Jensen?”
“They’re coming. The night is too quiet. There weren’t a lot of men at the hut to guard you but I think they probably started out with more, leaving it to just a few when the victims stopped fighting.” He looked to Chris who nodded his confirmation. “There are a lot more of them out there. We know about the god bowls so my guess is that the hut was just a staging location. If this last sacrifice is as important as it sounds, they’ll want to do the real thing here.”
Chris nodded. “I agree with your boy. No matter how many they are, they’ll want the final event to be here. They were collecting us for a reason. The date must be right. I think I was going to be their last sacrifice before they brought you here. It makes sense that they were going to sacrifice me early so they would have time to bring you here and set up the show.”
“So they’re going to come here, and we’re just sitting here waiting for it?’ Jared asked.
Jensen shook his head. “We’ve done what we can. They know the jungle better than I do, Jared. I’m a desert soldier,” he looked around at the trees around them. “All this greenery makes me nervous.”
“So why the hell aren’t we on a truck heading out of here?” Chris asked.
Jared shook his head. “They’re killing people, Chris. I can’t just walk away and wait for the authorities to deal with it. Not anymore than you could let them look for a missing girl.” Jared looked over at Jensen. “If we can find the priest and deal with him, maybe the rest would slink away.”
“That was my thought. If we can cut the head off the snake, he might do a little thrashing around, but it will be effectively useless.”
“Y’all are crazy,” Chris said with a shake of his head. “Thought I taught you more sense than to get yourself into situations like this.”
“Guess not,” Jared answered with a grin. “Seems I took more from your example than your lectures.”
Chris groaned.
“Get some rest,” Jensen said, not looking away from the clearing. “You need some strength and I’ll let you know when I see something.”
Jared thought about arguing but he knew better. Whatever would happen tonight would happen. He trusted Jensen to get them through it. Chris rolled his eyes but he was shifting around trying to find a more comfortable position. He was smart enough to hold his tongue when the advice was good.
Jared took a deep breath, trying to get his racing mind to stop. He knew Jensen was keeping his distance for a reason, but Jared couldn’t help himself as he reached a hand out, letting it rest lightly on Jensen’s thigh for a minute.
Jensen didn’t look at him, but his knuckles brushed over Jared’s softly. He turned his hand over and pressed against Jared’s, holding it against him for a moment. Jared pulled his hand back and it was then that Jensen looked at him. Concern filled his eyes but the love and affection that radiated from him was so strong it was enough to ease the tightness that had been resting in Jared’s chest. Jensen gave him a small smile, then turned his eyes back out to the jungle.
When Jared turned away from Jensen to try to find a more comfortable resting spot, he saw Chris’s eyes open and knew that his friend had been watching the interaction between them. Chris rolled his eyes but didn’t comment. Instead a small smile crept onto his face and he finally let himself sleep.
Jared followed soon after.