Prompt a Verse....

Sep 16, 2010 00:09

Because i'm in the mood ...

give me a prompt for one of my verses (or longer stories ) and i'll write you a snippet.

See that word right up there?  Snippet!  I mean it!  OH... maybe a drabble!  I do love me a good drabble challenge! :P


  Candyland (Pairing: Jared/Jensen)

Charming Verse (Pairing: Eliot/Dean/Sam)

 Clock Verse (Pairing:Dean/Sam)

The Face (Pairing: Alec/Dean/Jensen/Priestly)

How To Make A Better Life by Stealing Office Supplies and Having Sex in Small Corners (Pairing:Smith/Wesson)

Per!verse (Pairing: Dean/Castiel)

Story's End Series (Pairing:Dean/Sam - pre-slash)

Taking Chances Verse (Pairing: Alec/Logan)

Terminator: The Winchester Chronicles (Pairing: Sam/Dean/John/Cameron)

The HPOE (Pairing:Dean/Sam)

The Understanding Verse (Pairing: Tom/Clay)

What You're Getting (Pairing: Eliot/John)

And because they're new to my "verse" list they get a little more attention:

Truth In Darkness (Sam/River - Gen)
Sam has a connection with the stars and a crazy girl in his head who understands it all too well and nothing at all.

The New Life Winchester (Dean/Cas, Sam/Jess AU)
Meet the brother's Winchester, Sam and Dean, doctors extraordinaire, Sam's pushy beautiful girl Jess, and Castiel, the patient that never stopped needing bedside attention :P
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