The Big Bang count down.....
Keeper of Souls -
apocabigbang (with art by
davincis_girl ) Dark Angel/Terminator - Derek/Alec
The Ford Job -
au_bigbang (with art by
insane_songbird ) Leverage - Nate/Eliot
Interconnected -
sncross_bigbang (with art by
inanna_maat )SPN/SG-1- Sam/Dean, John/Daniel
That Guy -
sncross_bigbang (with art by
chosenfire28 )SPN/Die Hard 4 - Sam/Dean, Matt/John
While These Visions Did Appear -
spn_j2_bigbang (with art by
vamptastica ) SPN Sam/Dean
Enough to Go Around -
smallfandom_bb (with art by
davincis_girl ) Dark Angel, Alec/Logan - final sent. The website will go live on 08/06 and I will post to my LJ one week later. :P
numb3rs_bigbang - posting 07/22 - Numb3rs, Charlie/Don
Still To Come:
scifibigbang - original slash story
vampirebigbang - SPN (Sam/Dean)
rpf_big_bang - J2, sequel to one of my longer stories.
startrekbigbang - Reboot, Kirk/Spock/Bones
fantasybigbang - J2 College/Dragon AU
Kinda happy because I was down on myself about how little i've written outside of bangs, but then I looked at this. 6 bangs done, crossing into 6 different fandoms. I'll end up with 12 bangs under my belt this year (keeping my fingers crossed that I don't drop out of any) with 10 fandoms overall. That makes me happy :P
Also... bingos make me happy. Signed up for a kissing one and a mundane one too. Don't know who i'm doing those for, though I was thinking for the kissing one about make at least one story for every verse and doing timestamps from larger stories until I manage a black out :P Could be fun! Thankfully most of those (minus kink which I need to get my butt moving on) aren't due until the end of the year :P
So yeah! In a great space because I posted While These Visions Did Appear and sent in the final for Enough To Go Around. Now, time to get cracking on my numb3rs fic that will post in two weeks and on the 2 bbs that are due at the end of the month (which I have to start still :P)
Edit: And oh yeah.. my artist list reads like the freaking whose who of fandom artists! Did you see that?? I keep telling you i'm blessed this year.. but seriously? Did you see that? That's really why I can't stop signing up for bangs! I mean come on!!! They're amazing! I want to write fic just to see what they'd do with it!!!! :P
And now back to the hugs :P