Happy Holidays!

Dec 25, 2009 01:14

Merry Christmas Flist!

In case you missed it... I spent a good deal of time today writing little christmas snippets for my fandoms :P  I got so excited about it all that I forgot to go through and post the one Sam/Dean story I wrote (the monster :P)  Got it back from beta (Dear god you were quick and amazingly awesome for doing it!) so that will go out tomorrow.  I still plan on getting out a smaller Sam/Dean, my J2 verse, maybe my Clock verse, and a Merlin fic before I consider myself done with holiday fic (minus the few exchanges I still have going :P)  Short stories though :P

So anyway..

Happy Holidays!  My Mom is driving up to be with us tonight and so tomorrow should be fun!  Lots of presents (and i'm hoping the latest Star Trek movie under the tree to watch! )

See you all soon !  And enjoy the holidays!
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