Baby Boy

Oct 05, 2008 20:55

Title: Baby Boy
Author: Hunters_Retreat
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Summary: Sam can be cruel sometimes but when he realizes why, he decides to make it all right again.

Baby Boy )

genre: slash, *fanfic: supernatural

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Comments 42

huntress69 October 6 2008, 04:09:01 UTC
Baby Boy was more than an endearment. It was a title, won in blood and sweat and trials and it was pride and love that made Dean speak it now. It was a badge of who he had once been and what he had lost and it was one he wore on his soul now proudly.

I read the whole fic and loved every word of it, then I came to the end and this, and my mouth dropped open. It is one of the best paragraphs I have ever read. I tip my hat to you.


hunters_retreat October 6 2008, 22:43:43 UTC
Thank you so much! I love the way you write the boys and getting that sort of compliment from you makes me day... more like my week actually! I'm glad you liked it and I didn't chicken out of posting it!


angels3 October 6 2008, 04:49:09 UTC
Awesome story, although I really wanted to beat the shit out of Sam. Course I usually want to beat the shit out of Sam *frowns*


hunters_retreat October 6 2008, 22:45:18 UTC
ROFL! I know! Poor Dean.. just letting Sam be all mean. I like Sam being a little unbalanced in some ways :P Dean gets all the heavy shit and we all get to see a Sam that really could fit into normal society and there are times I just feel the need to point out that he's just as bad off as Dean in different ways


willow_fae_20 October 6 2008, 07:11:58 UTC
Oh god... I just... YES!!!!!!!!!!! To all of this. Just, yes. This is beautiful and painful and lovely.


hunters_retreat October 6 2008, 22:47:07 UTC
Thank you! It just sort of came out and I don't know where from. Well... a bit I do. I was reading a fic (can't remember where.. bad me!) about Dean calling Sam Baby Boy, but it was this really sweet gentle fic and for some reason it set this off. Which was not sweet or gentle but hey... it still had Baby Boy in it, right? I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


willow_fae_20 October 6 2008, 22:51:45 UTC
I love the idea of Dean having little 'pet names' for Sam. Especially with the life they lead. It's easier to rely on a descriptive nick-name ('Buddy', 'little guy', (when he was still little) 'kid') then to have to remember a different alias. And for that to transfer to them a adults and that particular situation... I can definitely see it.


hunters_retreat October 6 2008, 22:58:00 UTC
You know, it took me a while to warm up to the idea of Dean having pet names for Sam. Not that he had them, but that he would use them often. Like when we hear "Little Brother" in Something Wicked... it was so natural and obviously a part of their relationship but it's not something we hear all the time. That sort of pet name I can get behind :P But then I heard baby boy and I was all over that. It could just be that I get a kick out of it when people call me Baby Girl and poor Sam got stuck with my baggage! LOL!


bonbonschnecke October 6 2008, 07:57:36 UTC
Ohhhhh Baby.....boy. Thats was good!!!!!


hunters_retreat October 6 2008, 22:48:35 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I almost didn't post it. It was one of those stories that hits you from nowhere and I was half asleep when I wrote it. The next morning I was just like... um... I wrote what??? :P I liked it though and figured it wouldn't hurt to share :P


batina35 October 6 2008, 09:20:05 UTC
Didn't like how mean Sammy got with Dean, but the making up and that Baby Boy endearment, wow. That was powerful.


hunters_retreat October 6 2008, 22:49:45 UTC
I know... I don't know what I disliked most... Sam being that cruel or Dean letting him get away with it. But hey, we got a happy ending, that counts right? :P Glad you enjoyed it!


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