Jared Padalecki and the Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy

Oct 23, 2009 17:27

Title: Jared Padalecki and the Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy
Chapter: Fourteen
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Summary: J2 AU. Jared is a young Egyptologist trying to find a prize. Jensen is an adventurer in need of a mystery. Jared provides him with one. This is the story of the legend they become.
Author's Note: A huge thank you to
insane_songbird for the amazing manip! Previous chapters can be found Here

Chapter Fourteen

When Jared woke the next morning, he found himself alone and the other side of the bed already cold. He felt a moment of panic, but pushed it aside. He might not have known Jensen all that long, but he knew Jensen. What had happened between them wasn’t enough to send him running. Whatever had Jensen out of bed, it wasn’t panic or fear. So instead of torturing himself with all the reasons why Jensen might have left him alone in bed, Jared got up and cleaned himself up. When he was dressed, he went to the kitchens and got something to eat, then headed back to his study.

He was almost finished with the translation when he heard something at the door. He looked up to find Jim in the doorway with Jensen just behind him. “I told you he’d be working away at it in here.” He said with a fond smile.

Jared returned it, not completely sure of his standing with Jensen, but strong with the knowledge that Jensen was at his side no matter what. “Good morning.” He said as Jim walked over to the desk and looked over the piece he was working on.

“You stay up all night boy?” Jim asked as he looked at the work he’d done.

“Most of it.” He answered, daring a glance up at Jensen while Jim stared at the scroll in front of him.

Jensen gave him a wink before clearing his throat. Jim looked up and Jensen addressed them both. “I have to return to the city with Akil. We should be ready to leave by mid afternoon.”

“You were able to get the men back together so quickly?” Jared asked.

“Akil had given them orders to be prepared to leave at his word so they are ready. It’s just a matter of getting the supplies. Akil thought he would have it ready late this morning. You should make sure your things are packed Jared. When I return, it will be with our men, ready for the next step of this adventure of yours.”

Jared smiled a mile wide and Jensen’s returned the warmth as he bowed slightly. “I will be back soon.”

He was out the door before Jared could think of anything else to say, and he was glad of it. Jared had no idea what to say to Jensen after last night. More than the fact that they’d become lovers, there was so much he knew and didn’t know how to say to Jensen. He didn’t know if they other man would believe him. As much as Jensen was comfortable with Jared’s visions, what he now knew was something else entirely.

“Well, it looks like you’re stuck with me for a bit then.”

Jim broke the silence, and though he had a raised brow at the other man, he didn’t ask. Jim was smarter than any person he’d ever met, but it was in life itself that he excelled the most. Jim was a linguist by trade and the sort of person that just understood other people. He got the way the world worked, even if he was buried in half-dead languages. Jared had always envied him that.

Jared smiled at his mentor. “It does look like it. Thank you Jim. I don’t know if you’ll thank me for involving you at the end of this-”

“None of that Jared. What you’ve shown me so far has me intrigued.” He looked away from the desk and up at Jared. “And I don’t just mean the scrolls. I’ve never seen something hit you like it did last night.”

Jared nodded. “Nothing has. What’s happening now, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experiences Jim. It’s …” he searched for a way to describe it. “It’s personal.”

“And that doesn’t worry you?”

Jared shrugged. “You sound like Jensen.”

“The Green-eyed is known for his wisdom.”

Jared looked up at his friend and saw the smirk there. He let out a short laugh.

“Seriously though Jared, do you understand what you’re getting involved with? I know Jahde and I know his people. They’ve been preparing for this battle since these scrolls were written. Do you really think you should throw yourself into this?”

“I can’t stop now Jim. I don’t know that I could have stopped after I saw the first scroll.” He said honestly. Even if he was inclined to stay behind on this adventure, which he wasn’t, he couldn’t leave Jensen now. The night before had changed everything, in so many ways. “And it’s all a rather moot point anyway. This creature is going to come whether I go or not. I set him free. I can’t walk away knowing that. I have to do what I can to set that creature to rest.”

“Do you really believe that Jared? I’ve never seen you buy into the local superstitions.”

“If you could see what I saw, you’d understand.” Jared said with a shake of his head.

Jim crossed his arms over his chest. “Then tell me what you saw Jared.”

He took a deep breath. “I can’t.”

“You gonna tell the Green-eyed?” Jared just shook his head. “Then you’re asking us all to go into this blind.”

“Nothing I could tell you would make a difference, not to you.”

“But him?”

“He’d still go.”

“Not what I’m asking.”

Jared bit his lower lip as he shook his head. “Come on. Let’s see what else we can get through before they arrive.” Jim bent his head over the desk to look at the remaining translations. Jared was afraid the conversation was far from over, but he pushed the thought aside. Jim would ambush him when he thought he could get more out of him. He just had to keep hold of what he knew was right. He couldn’t tell anyone what he’d seen before he talked to Jensen about it, but he couldn’t find a way to tell Jensen either. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. There was no taking the knowledge back and it would change everything.

Four hours later, Jared found himself back on the road. Akil and Jensen had managed to get everything they needed and Akil assured him that Jahde was going to meet them at the pyramid with his men. They were already guarding it, but he was bringing the rest of them so that they would be able to start as soon as they met at the General’s tomb.

He didn’t get much of a chance to talk to Jensen as they rode. Akil rode with the men, staying towards the center and talking to them. Jim rode with Jared at the front of the column leading the way, while Jensen was at the back. It was an uneasy feeling, having his lover at the back where he expected trouble most, but he realized he’d never been easy with Jensen being anywhere other than at his side.

He tried to push thoughts of Jensen aside to focus on the journey and what lay ahead of them, but it was hard when he hadn’t had a chance to talk to Jensen since they’d fallen in bed together the night before. He didn’t doubt the relationship that had developed between them but he would have liked to have been able to talk to him.

He wasn’t entirely sure about Jensen’s change of heart when it came to the tomb, and while part of him was happy to think it was because Jensen just wanted to keep him safe, he hoped there was more to it. Jensen seemed to enjoy being with him and the men. He knew his way around a dig and had proven it with his easy manner around the site and the way he’d been able to settle into the schedule they worked up. If Jensen really loved what they were doing, the way Jared did, then there was always the hope that they’d have more than just this one adventure. They’d talked about it in teasing moments, or when the other needed to be reassured, but Jared really didn’t know what would happen when all this was over. Would Jensen follow him from place to place, or would he take off on his own?

He pushed the thought to the back of his head and sighed as he heard Akil behind him, calling for a stop. It wasn’t dark yet, but he knew it would be soon and they needed to get camp set. They’d made good time, considering how late they’d started in the day and Jared was happy about that. They didn’t have the same men as when they’d started out, but Akil still stood behind them. Most of those that they’d started with were still with them, but beside the three missing men, some had refused to head back out with them. The new men more than made up for the numbers. Some were good for the dig, but he’d brought rougher men as well, soldiers who were there to protect them against anything they might come against. Jared didn’t think there was anything that would protect them against what he’d seen, but he felt better for their presence anyway.

He was talking with Akil as his own tent was set up and as soon as it was, he ducked inside. He ignored everything but the desk that had been set up for him, unrolling the remaining translations and throwing himself into them. He didn’t think they’d help them along the way, but he couldn’t risk no knowing.

The stories were fascinating though and Jared knew that he would have been working this feverishly even if they weren’t going into a dangerous situation. Most of the translations just continued on with the story of the General who had given them hope, who had treated them well, and who had cared for them. Others told specific stories though of how the General had stayed an overseer’s hand, or had made them let the sick rest, instead of working them to their death. Others still spoke of his prowess on the battlefield, of his keen mind and the way he’d read a battle and move his men to a victory even against the odds. They spoke of love and dedication and a man filled with eternal goodness, a man later filled with pain who hid himself behind devotion to a man who didn’t appreciate it. They spoke of hate and love and all consuming jealousy.

Jared read and translated and never let his mind dwell on the other things he knew, instead letting his eyes close to remember the press of Jensen against his lips and the warmth of his body. He needed that distraction because there was so much in the words that weren’t written, so much implied about the General and the life he’d led.

“You’re a child really.”

He looked up from the translation to see Jensen inside the tent, a tray of food in his hands.

“I knew you weren’t going to come out but I had hoped hunger would at least make you stop long enough to eat.”

He realized how dark it was outside his tent and sighed. “I didn’t realize how long I’d been at it.” He said with a small smile. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologize. Just eat something.” Jensen said, setting the tray by the bed.

It was the only place to sit in the tent he realized then. Two cots had been brought in and it left no place for a seat, besides at the table that he was sitting at. He realized Jensen was going to make him stop, at least that long, but he couldn’t regret it really. He’d been wanting to talk to Jensen all day and it was the first moment alone they’d had.
He got up and stretched his back and neck before sitting on one of the cots. “You aren’t eating?” He asked when he realized there was enough for one.

Jensen shook his head, an amused smile on his face. “I sat with Akil and the men. I wanted to get a feel for the additional men and it seemed the best time for it.”

“Ah. Thank you. For that. For this.” He said, pointing to the tray.

“Someone has to make sure you don’t starve while you’re working.”

Jared looked up and saw nothing but affection in Jensen’s eyes. He wanted to reach out and touch the other man, wanted to kiss him senseless and push him back across the cot, but then Jensen was looking down. “You better eat before it gets cold.”

He did as he was told. The first bite made him realize just how hungry he was and after that he devoured the healthy servings Jensen had brought him. Jensen didn’t meet his eyes after that, but sat quietly, talking about the new men and the progress throughout the day. He talked about how long it would take to get back to the pyramid of the General, and then about how long it would take them to reach their final destination. None of it seemed to faze him, the complete change of direction that he’d taken when he’d agreed to follow Jared’s lead again, but Jared didn’t ask about it. He didn’t want to push his luck.

When he was finished, Jensen took the tray from him and disappeared out of the tent with it. He wasn’t sure what to make of it when Jensen came right back though, dropping the flap of his tent. He knew what he wanted it to mean when Jensen chose to close the flap between them and the rest of the camp, but he didn’t want to assume anything.

He didn’t have time to worry though because then Jensen was pressing their lips together and pushing until his fingers were caressing bare flesh. “I’ve been dying to do that all day long.” Jensen breathed into his mouth.

“Could have just asked.” Jared laughed.

Jensen’s smile was breathtaking as he looked down at Jared. “Had to wait to get you alone.”

Jared understood then and he couldn’t help but be grateful for Jensen’s discretion. It was one thing for them to be doing this, but to make it too obvious would certainly cause trouble with the men. “Alone now.” He groaned as Jensen’s hand began to tug at the button of his pants.

Jensen bit lightly at his lower lip. “Yeah, just see if you can keep quiet because otherwise, all that waiting was for nothing.”

Jared didn’t answer. He bit his lip instead to keep from moaning as Jensen moved against him. And when Jensen moved up his body to swallow his sounds, he let it all go, forgetting about mummies and visions and generals beloved and betrayed.

On to Chapter Fifteen

genre: slash, story: jared padalecki and the mystery o, j2, fanfic: rps

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