Bonfire: Part Nine of My Brother's Keeper

Sep 28, 2008 20:47

Title: Bonfire
Series: My Brother’s Keeper
Author: Hunters_Retreat
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Summary: Some truths can't be hidden.

Part Nine of My Brother's Keeper

“Sammy!” Dean’s scream brought Sam out of the rage filled haze that had settled on him as he had come back to the motel and found someone with Dean. He took a deep breath, wondering how he’d managed to kill the thing. He remembered walking in the door and seeing the vampire in the room with Dean, but that was it. Now there was a body and detached head in front of him and a screaming Dean.

He turned to look at Dean, dropping the machete in his hand. OK, that answered one question. Now for the rest. “You OK Dean?’ Sam asked as he reached for Dean, pulling him close to his chest and holding his shivering body.

“You … you killed him Sam.” There was a question in the statement, a plea to make him explain that he wasn’t a monster for killing someone, make him understand why Sam had just decapitated a person in front of his 12 year old brother.

“Yeah, I did Dean.” He let go of the tight grip he had, letting his hands come up to Dean’s face. “Did he hurt you Dean? Did he do anything to you?”

Dean shook his head. His face was pale, had been when Sam walked into the room, but he was responding and didn’t seem to be in shock. “No. He just showed up and walked right in. I think he picked the lock because I know I locked it. He said he was waiting for you and …” his voice broke but Sam wasn’t sure if that was fear or just puberty. It’d been happening to Dean a bit lately. “He had a gun and I didn’t know what to do Sam.”

“You did good Dean.” Sam said letting out a deep breath. “You’re alive and that always mean you did the right thing.”

“Why was it here?” Sam looked at the body and tried to figure out what to say to Dean. “Why did you kill it Dad?”

Sam groaned. Dean was really shaken up if he called him Dad. It wasn’t something that happened often, but a need for a father figure and the always misguided attempts from his father to stop what Sam was doing with Dean left his brother confused about their familial roles. The fact that they often played father and son when they showed up didn’t help but people took too much interest in the older brother raising a younger brother bit.

“Sam, not Dad.” He corrected automatically, but Dean didn’t seem to hear the admonishment. He sat on the bed, reaching for Dean. When he came to sit next to Sam he was relieved that Dean couldn’t see the body from where they were.

“Dean, I need to explain something to you, and I’m not sure how. I haven’t always been honest about what I’ve been doing with you. You’re going to be angry when I tell you about it, but I want you to promise to hear me out before you interrupt.” He cupped his brother’s face then with his hand. “I want you to understand that I’ve been trying to protect you from all this.”

Dean nodded and Sam let go of him, turning his body so he was facing Dean completely. “Dean, that thing that I killed wasn’t human. It was a vampire and I hunt him and other creatures like him.”

Dean looked like he wanted to interrupt already, but he managed to keep quiet. Sam took that as a good sign as he explained about demons and werewolves, witches and sirens and other creatures that went bump in the night. He explained that John hunted to and that Sam and Dean’s mother had been killed by a demon. That they’d been hunting it ever since. “It’s why we move around in the summer Dean, why I take you on trips almost every weekend. When I leave the room at night when you’re sleeping, it’s because I’m out there hunting.”

“Is that why you made me learn to shoot?”

Sam nodded.

“Is it why you make me take self defense and karate and all that?”

“Yeah Dean. I want to know that you can take care of yourself. Just in case.”

His eyes turned liquid and darkened in obvious anger. “And what would happen to me if something did happen to you Sammy?” He demanded. “Where would I go? You shouldn’t be doing something like this alone! You need a partner or something. I could help you!”

Sam’s eyes widened and a part of him wanted to cheer because it was so like his Lover Dean who he still dreamed of every night, even after 12 years. A large part of him mourned for the loss of innocence in his little boy though. “Dean, no. No hunting. You’re not old enough yet. I promise, when you’re older, if you still want it you can, but not yet.”

Dean looked pissed still, but he bit his bottom lip, a sign that he was thinking about what Sam said.

“What happens now then?”

Sam was relieved it was over, relieved that whatever Dean felt he was still talking to him. Dean believed him without second thought, something that filled him with gratitude and love. He knew there would be fights, knew that Dean was probably digesting it all still, but he was smart and Sam knew he’d been wondering about things even if he hadn’t asked already. “Now that you know why you’re training, I think it’s time to step it up. We’ll work something out that doesn’t interfere with your school schedule.”

“Or my baseball games.”

Sam smiled, thinking how much he loved that fact that Dean was into sports and enjoyed playing them. He was good, which didn’t surprise Sam with his physical coordination. “Or your games. Team work is an important concept to learn for a hunt too.”

Dean nodded. “Um, Sam? What do we do with that though?”

Sam looked over to the body and sighed. He needed to get rid of the body. Maybe Dean was a little too young to hunt, but there was part of the job Dean had always liked, even at a young age.

“Well, I’ll get him in the trunk and we’ll get rid of him. Saw some pretty desolate areas when we were driving in. I don’t think we’ll have a problem finding a place to have a bonfire.”

“A bonfire?”

“Yep Dean. And I’ll even let you light it up.”

“I can?”

“Of course. Now I want you to run down to the vending machine and get us plenty of snack and drinks for the road. We’ll head home tonight once we’re done and I don’t want to hear any complaints about not enough snacks.” He said with a smile.

Dean’s smile grew. He loved the damn vending machines. Sam didn’t normally let him go crazy with the things, but it was the best way to get him out of the room while Sam removed the headless body.

He handed Dean some money, knowing he’d take his time to pick the most sugar filled monstrosity that was in the machine. He waited until Dean was out the door, then grabbed the blanket off the bed and began wrapping the body up to dispose of quietly.

On To The Tall One

story: my brother's keeper, genre: slash, *fanfic: supernatural, au, wip

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