Title: Hot
Author: Hunters_Retreat
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Series: The HPOE Saga
Summary: Sam finds a hunt that Dean has trouble believing in.
Author's Note: This was inspired when I got creeped out in Pirates of the Caribbean. I was going to write one story for it, but it's now decided to be a bunch of drabbles with a story that will eventually have a plot and everything :P Enjoy!
The HPOE Saga
“There’s got to be someplace-”
“Dean, there are small children present and I refuse to scar them to give you a cheap thrill.”
“Cheap? Do you know how much it cost to get in this place?”
“John Anders paid this bill.”
“Still, it’s not cheap.”
“Dean, I’m not helping you find a dark corner just because you got a thing for Jessica Rabbit.”
“She’s hot.”
Sam shook his head but didn’t say anything. He was too busy looking for anyplace they could hide for a few minutes. Because while Dean was right that Jessica rabbit was hot, Dean was hotter.
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