22 ♦ 32 icons

Feb 03, 2012 23:11

Do mine eyes deceive me, or is this actually a post with new icons I have made, not for a challenge or anything of the like? Why yes, it is! although some are still totally from icontests. I've actually had time to make more icons! (or I have at least finally decided to blow off college work, is the better way to put it)

Final Fantasy [1 - 19]
Misc (Odin Sphere, SMT: Persona 3/4, Kingdom Hearts, Catherine, Ar Tonelico, Eternal Sonata)[20 - 32]


Final Fantasy12345







Generated by Malionette's Icon Table Generator

Usual stuff, credit me if you use them, comments and such are much loved, watch the community to see updates that I don't crosspost to other comms, etc.

Don't forget to check out my iconaday claim post!

Also my icontest! (shameless plugs ahoy)

video games: persona 3, video games: odin sphere, video games: kingdom hearts, video games: persona 4, video games: catherine, video games: eternal sonata, video games: ar tonelico, video games: final fantasy, !icons

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