A small post, but a post nonetheless! Here are the icons that I worked on for
theiconquest's second sidequest, where we had to relate characters to fairytale motifs.
Sidequest1 (unicorn)2 (dragon)3 (knight)4 (royal)5 (dragon)
6 (wolf)7 (royal)8 (knight)9 (dragon)10 (wolf)
(H, B, W, W, R, B, H, R, R, R)
One lonely alt11
Generated by
Malionette's Icon Table Generator - Credit
hunters_chance or
katy_111 if you use these.
- Comments are very much appreciated.
- If you wish to make a request, go
here and leave a comment.
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Extra notes:
Here are banners I've won.
Here is my resource list.