For elite_muses

Apr 06, 2007 23:51

39. What does family mean to you?


It’s the difference between life and death, the only thing I’ve got left and the only thing that’s always been there.

Family is family and blood is thicker than water and I’ll be damned before I let anyone or anything rip apart what I’ve got left.

It’s worth fighting for and worth dying for.

It’s the only thing that’ll always be there after the lovers and friends are gone. You can run away from it all that you want but it’ll always be there, you can’t pick and choose your family the way you can with lovers and friends but it’s the one constant.

Family was my mother, my dad, and now it’s Sam. He’s all I have left and now he’s being told he has some destiny and the yellow eyed son of a bitch has plans for him, and he’s made me promise to kill him if he ever turns evil.

I honestly don’t know if I’m ever going to be able to look Sam in the eye and pull that trigger but I promised him that I would but I never promised not to fight as hard as I can to save him. It’s the last resort when everything else has failed, and I’ll be the one to pull that trigger because I wouldn’t let it be any way else. Family is and will always be my saving grace and I’ll fight for them and I’ll die for it; for Sam.

It’s the only thing I’ve ever cared about.

Muse : Dean Winchester
Fandom : Supernatural
Word Count : 253

elite muses

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