Prompt 7: "What makes you jealous?"
Locked. That means private
I never thought I’d say this, but here it is: people living normal lives is what makes me jealous.
You know, lives that don’t have your friends and family dying on you or your brother making you promise to kill him if he goes all Darth Vader on your ass.
Seriously not good.
As much as I love my dad he didn’t really give me much of a choice, it was either this or …fuck if I know, but I know whatever it was, it was not option. I didn’t get the chance to be normal and I thought for a really long time that I never wanted normal.
Turns out I could do with some normal right about now.
I look at people just living their lives and I find myself getting green because they get to be at peace and they don’t need to know about the horrors that hide in the dark when they turn out their lights at night.
Normal means safe, I didn’t get that before but now I do and …there's nothing wrong with a little fooling yourself if you never knew any better.
So there you have it: normal makes me jealous nowadays.
I’d give anything to …take a lot of this life back and God knows I’d like not to be walking around with this promise on my shoulders.
Fuck, I need a drink.
Muse : Dean Winchester
Fandom : Supernatural
Word Count : 232