That Would Be Enough (Chapter Three)

May 29, 2018 16:50

Title: That Would Be Enough
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Ed/Winry, Ed/Roy
Warnings: Emotional Cheating, Ed is an idiot
Summary: Ed made choices.  He made mistakes.  They all had to live with them. Ed  proposes to Winry on the train platform, but was it the right choice  and for the right reasons?  With a serial killer on the loose and Ed the  next target, he had no choice but to look for the truth in his own  heart.

“I think that covers everything,” Fuhrer Grumman said.  “I expect to see updates by the end of the week.”

Roy Mustang stood and bowed slightly to the Fuhrer.  The man to his right did the same.  General Ackerman was a very precise man, from his immaculate uniform to his perfectly trimmed black hair, to his carefully chosen words.  Roy could appreciate the care, but he didn’t know the man well, for all the years they had both been in Central together.  He wasn’t a Bradley sympathizer but he hadn’t stood up against the former regime either.  Roy could at least say he disliked the man’s neutral state.  From his reputation, he was known to keep his personal rivalries quiet and remained conspicuously silent when it came to controversy.

“Oh, and General Mustang,” Grumman said as he stood from behind his desk.  “I wanted to offer congratulations on the opening tonight.  Parliament has been most pleased with your work in Ishval and the opening of the exhibit and the Ishvalan Embassy has been quite the topic.  I look forward to seeing the relics and art that the Ishvalan people have sent.”

“I’m honored that you’re attending, Fuhrer Grumman.  It’s been a long time coming, but I think the people of both Amestris and Ishval will be pleased with it.”

“Will you be there as well, General Ackerman?” The Fuhrer asked.

“Of course, Sir.  My wife would kill me if she missed the opening dedication tonight,” Ackerman said with a polite smile.

Roy turned to leave as Grumman made a dismissing motion with his hand.   Ackerman walked out with him but when they were out of ear reach Ackerman began to speak.    “I have to admit that with all the talk about the Embassy I’m curious.”

The man stopped and Roy was surprised because there was dislike written across Ackerman’s face, as plain as day.

“Exactly how, General Mustang, does the Hero of Ishval become a spokesman for the people he once massacred?  We all know the art of compromise, where you hold our nose and close your eyes.  People want their leaders to save the day, but they don’t know what you trade away.  So what did you give when no one else was in the room where it happened?”

Roy was certain his poker face was still in place, but he was surprised by the other man’s outspokenness.  Some people questioned his right to help the Ishvalans rebuild, but his work spoke for itself and Roy knew that the people he worked with all had the best intentions.  They’d worked hard to see the Ishvalan people’s homes rebuilt and their holy places restored.  He’d never had anyone question how he got to be in that position or why.

“We all had wrongs we needed to right, those of us who fought in Ishval.  Some of us more than others.  The Fuhrer understood my need to make amends.”

“We were all just following orders.  There was nothing wrong with that.”

Roy didn’t bother to comment on that.  There were some people that would hide behind orders and were never bothered by the morality.  Roy had never been that sort.  He’d become good at hiding his distaste though, keeping a calm façade in place, and playing the game he needed to move forward.

He began to walk as he tried to move the conversation to more useful topics.  “The Fuhrer seems to have a different idea of Amestris’ place in the world.  What do you think of his goals?” Roy didn’t expect an outright answer but it should at least give him an idea of the other man’s ambitions.

“I think a world at peace is a lofty goal.  Your own work in Ishval has shown that we can come a great way towards Fuhrer Grumann’s ideals.  However, I’m not certain trading our place as a global military presence will keep Amestris in the place of power we all want.”

Roy nodded his head.  “I think the Fuhrer hopes that becoming a peace broker will give us a different position of power.  However, I don’t imagine our military presence will be lessened to any degree soon.  As much as the Fuhrer wants peace, I fear that not all our alliances would hold true in face of military decline.  Too many would see a decrease in our military at this time as a weakness and seek to exploit it.  We can hope for a future that will allow us those accords though.”

“Interesting talk from one who is known for his brutality on the battlefield,” Ackerman said and Roy did his best to keep his anger from showing on his face.  “I’m just a general, set in his ways, I’m afraid.  But who knows what the future will hold when the Flame Alchemist speaks of peace?”

The man turned down a hallway then and Roy was grateful to be headed in the other direction.  What little he knew of Ackerman had just turned from neutral to genuine dislike.  It was obvious that Ackerman’s only desire was power for himself.  He hadn’t supported Bradley or Grumman because he had been waiting to see who would rise to the top.  He played politics safe and Roy disliked him for that.  The nature of his attacks against Roy’s reputation just made it personal.

He returned to his office and barely kept the smile off his face as everyone jumped to work; everyone except Hawkeye who wasn’t at her desk.

“I want all information you can dig up about General Ackerman.”

“Sure thing, Chief,” Havoc chimed in.  “Are we looking for anything specific?”


“I look like a damn monkey,” Ed complained bitterly as he threw his hands up in the air, along with the tie he’d been trying to fix.

“Give that to me, Brother,” Al said with a resigned sigh.  “You don’t look like a monkey.  You look nice, actually.  If you’d just stop messing with your suit.”

“I don’t know why I couldn’t just wear my usual clothes.”

“You’re making a fuss, Brother.  If you didn’t want to get dressed up, why are we going?”

“Winry wanted to go,” Ed said as he found the tie from where it’d slid across the floor when he threw it.  He couldn’t lie very well to Al, but so long as he kept busy and didn’t look him in the eye, he should be able to fake it.  “Mustang sent the invitation to her.  I couldn’t say no.”

“It doesn’t seem much like her, to take time from her workshop in Resembool and come all the way to Central.”

“You act like I understand her.”

“She is your wife, Brother.”

“I think she just wanted to go shopping in Central City and used this as an excuse to visit,” Ed smiled at Al.  “You gonna help me with this tie or what?”

Al shook his head and Ed smiled brighter.  That smile would probably get the kid anything, just because of how damn happy it made Ed to see it.  He stood still as Al finished his tie and then looked in the mirror.  “Do I look presentable?”

“Wow, Ed,” Winry said as she came into the room.

The front of her hair was pulled back in an intricate braid while the back fell in long curls.  Her blue strapless dress matched her eyes and she’d really gone all out to dress herself up.  She looked amazing and if he didn’t think she’d knock him upside the head with a wrench for messing up her makeup, he’d kiss her senseless.

“You look amazing,” he said softly.  She blushed and he felt like a jackass for not saying that sort of thing more often.  Winry had always been his rock.  When he thought of Resembool, it was Winry and Granny he thought of as home.  His life had been lived on the road, and outside of Mustang’s office in Central, the old Rockbell house in Resembool was the only place he thought of as home.

He still didn’t know why she’d said yes when he proposed, or why she’d said I do when the time came, but he knew he didn’t deserve her.  She deserved someone who could stay by her side, who understood her passion for automail and didn’t just destroy his own set and give her more work to do.  She deserved someone who knew how to tell her how beautiful she was every day.  For some reason she’s settled for him though and he did his best.

“You look pretty good yourself,” she said with a smile.  She came over and straightened his red tie and tucked it under his vest.  “I’m still surprised.  I never thought I’d see you at an event like this, let alone all dressed up for it.”

Ed let her fuss with his clothes, all the while keeping his eyes on her and not looking at his little brother.  “I do know what culture is.”

“Yeah, I just never thought you’d call me and beg me to go to an opening with you.  It was really sweet.”  She kissed his cheek and stepped away.  “I’ll be ready in a moment.  Give me a minute more.”

He watched her go back into his room and sighed.  Maybe he should have rented a hotel room or something while she was in Central City.  It would have been a nice treat for her.  The place he and Al shared in Central City was too small for three, though it was probably still better than the awkwardness that had been the night she came to visit when they were still living with Mustang.  His place was plenty big enough.  Clean enough too.  Their place was all that Ed and Al needed, but it was hardly a place to share with his wife.   She’s already knocked him upside the head for the mess when she arrived the day before.  Next time, he’d remember.

“You begged her to go?” Al said quietly after her heard Ed’s bedroom door close behind Winry.

“Shut up, Al.”

“What is going on, Brother?  Why did you lie to me?”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“It is if you lied.”

“Fine, I just wanted to go, alright?  It’s just a stupid opening but it’s important to Mustang and it’ll show people the work he did in Ishval.  It’ll help people see the Ishvalans for who they are, not the demonized version Bradley spat out at people.  Mustang and his team deserve the recognition for the good he’s been doing there.”

Al looked at him for a long minute before he sighed.  “You could have just said so.  You know I was going to go no matter what.”

“Yeah, I know.  I just … I thought it would be fun for the three of us to get a chance to do something fun.  We’re never in the same place anymore.”

Al smiled.  “I guess we’ll just have to make it a good night then.”

Ed smiled as he went to check on his wife and, as always, ignored the questing look in his brother’s eye.

With most of the pomp and circumstance done, Roy Mustang was able to step away from the platform in the embassy’s main reception room and begin to mingle with the crowd.  He grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing server and surveyed the guests.

He’d been accompanied tonight by Gracia Hughes and he caught her eye as she was taking a seat with Hawkeye.  The two seemed to be in deep conversation and when Roy raised a brow, Gracia smiled and waved him on.  She was well practiced in being on a politician’s arm, even if Maes had never actually been a politician.  None of them had risen to the ranks they were without being able to play that game and Maes had always been well versed in it.  Gracia was a blessing tonight, even if his only intention to bring her along was to honor the work she and her late husband had done.

Knowing that she was in good hands, he continued to peruse the room, making mental notes about those he needed to speak with tonight and those to avoid.  He would have to be seen speaking congenially with the Fuhrer at some point in the evening, to cement his place in the public’s eye as a man in Grumman’s good graces.  There were a few members of Parliament that he would like a moment with, a few he needed to seek out just for appearances.  Most of the people he would seek out tonight though would be to spread feelings and confirm rumors that had been passing back his way.

He had every intention of avoiding Ackerman if possible so he wouldn’t ruin his evening completely.  The Grand Cleric of Ishvala was there as well and Roy wanted to get a few moments of his time to make certain he’d enjoyed the event.

He spotted the head of Parliament coming his way and he put on his most polished smile and went to meet the man and his wife.

Roy Mustang was a soldier of Amestris, and this was just one more battlefield among the many in which he was skilled.

It was two hours later before he was able to approach his favorite and most elusive target of the night.  He had seen them earlier, been momentarily stupefied by their presence, but had yet to speak to them.  He left Gracia once again as she spoke to one of Hughes’ men and made his way across the room.

Winry Rockbell-Elric was a vision in pale blue silk and golden tresses.  Her hair was perfectly coiffed but with the vibrant feeling of youth.  As the wife of the youngest - and arguably still the most notable - alchemist in the history of Amestris, she had been danced and regaled with stories all night long, regardless of where her husband was at the moment.  Winry had a sweet, polite personality, but there was a steel underneath that Roy knew fit well with her husband’s.  It would take a steel will to keep him in line.

At the moment, by her side was the man himself.  Edward Elric looked resplendent in a black suit with a red waist coat and tie.  His hair was pulled back in a ponytail as had become his signature since he grew out of the braid.  He was always beautiful - at peace or in battle - but tonight he looked breathtaking and Roy had almost lost his façade of nonchalance towards the young man when he’d spied him for the first time earlier that evening.

Roy took another glass of champagne from a passing server and smiled as he came up to the couple.  “Mrs. Rockbell-Elric,” he said as he offered his hand up to her.  “You are a vision.”  She placed her hand in his and he bowed over it slightly before he kissed the back of her hand.  She blushed beautifully and, with the exception of the man on her arm, Roy conceded she was the most beautiful person in the room.

“Thank you, General Mustang.”

“Roy, please. We speak far too often on the phone for me to be General face to face.”  He doubted Ed knew half the times she called him to check in on her husband and brother-in-law but Roy had come to enjoy the quiet moments where he was allowed to lightly tease back and forth with her and keep himself up to date on the comings and goings of Resembool.

“You know you love to hear the title, Mustang.  Don’t act like you don’t,” Ed said as he took Winry’s hand in his own.

Roy smiled at the possessive move but knew it wasn’t an actual jab.  “I have been caught red handed.  You are looking quite nice as well, Fullmetal.  I’m surprised you made it tonight.  I know events like this aren’t really your thing.”

“You asked me to come.”

The answer surprised him, but luckily self-preservation saved him and his mouth kicked in.  “So if I had asked instead of giving orders all these years, my life would have been easier?”

“Hell, no,” Ed said with a grin.  “But I don’t think Winry or Al would have let me stay home, so thank them.”

“Oh, I just saw Gracia,” Winry said with a pat to Ed’s arm.  “You don’t mind keeping my husband company while I catch up, do you, General?”

“Roy,” he insisted again.  “Gracia is my date for the evening.  I’m sure she would appreciate you saving her from my company for a while.”

Winry laughed as she walked off without a look back.

They both watched her go and Ed let out a soft sigh, as if in relief.  What was bothering him tonight?  “Can I speak with you for a few minutes, Fullmetal?” Mustang asked.

“Sure.  Just so long as I can come back in and get more free food.”

Roy didn’t answer, but led Edward away from the crowd.  On the one wall of the reception area was a series of small balconies.  They were made for private conversation at events just like this and Roy was grateful enough for them now.

He watched as Edward went through the doors to the secluded balcony and closed the door behind them.  The door had a large glass pane and Roy watched the party for a moment to make sure no one of interest had paid them any undue attention.

Although each balcony was set apart from the next to give privacy and was bordered with flowers, music from the party spilled out through the other open doorways.  If he were here on a date, he’d have called the whole thing very romantic.

“So what’s up, Bastard?”

Roy shook his head as he turned away from the doors.  Edward was facing away from the party, overlooking the gardens.  He had both hands braced on the balcony wall as his eyes took in their surroundings.  Roy wanted to ask if he was looking at the beauty of the embassy grounds, or keeping an eye out for danger.  He had a feeling the answer was both.

It made him think of Ed’s question about mountains in his last letter.

“I wanted to thank you for coming out tonight.  I know you don’t enjoy getting dressed up and having to deal with the politics.  It means a lot to me and it would have meant a lot to Maes as well.”

“Whatever.  You asked and I wasn’t going to say no.  Besides, Winry wanted to come up to Central City and it was as good an excuse as any.  And Al hasn’t walked away from the food yet.  Last I saw, he and Havoc were hatching a plan to see if they could eat faster than the staff could restock the buffet.”

Roy let out a small laugh at that.  Ever since Alphonse Elric had gotten his body back his appetite was even worse than his brother’s.   “Glad to know we could get Al fed for the night.  If he’s still eating as much as he did when you lived with me, I imagine his grocery bill is worse than the university tuition.”

“Just about,” Edward said with a smile.

Roy hoped the smile was, in part, a fondness for that time.  It had only been a month while Ed and Al looked for their own place in Central but it had been a time Roy looked back on warmly.  Something had shifted back then, in his relationship with Ed and even though he still couldn’t say how.  He knew he was probably as close to Ed as anyone these days.  Roy moved over to Edwards’s side and leaned back against the balcony wall.  He was still watching the party, but he knew Edward had his back.

“I thought I saw Elysia during the ceremony but I haven’t seen her since,” Ed commented.

“Alex asked if she would be his date tonight.  Last I heard, he was taking her on an Armstrong tour of the embassy and grounds.”

“Please tell me he still had his shirt on?”

“Last I saw.  Elysia was very excited.  Alex picked her up and took her to dinner before bringing her to the dedication.”

“He’s a good guy.  That was a really nice thing he did.”

“Yeah it was.  He worked with Maes a long time too.”

“All of this is good.  The work you’ve done in Ishval is good.  I’m sure Gracia was thrilled with the dedication tonight.”

“I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without the Hughes family support.  Maes might not be here, but this is all his doing.  Hell, I wouldn’t have made it out of Ishval without him.”

“Don’t do that,” Roy felt Edward move closer as he spoke but when he turned to move away, Edward’s hand on his wrist stopped him.

“Don’t put down your own efforts.  You’ve worked hard to make this happen.  You’re a lazy Bastard most of the time and you know I’m not afraid to say it, but you made this happen.  Hughes believed in the good you could do.   Don’t you dare stop when you’ve finally started to achieve something here.”

Roy stared down at his arm where Edward had hold of him.  He pulled his hand back slowly, turning it over as he did so.  Edward didn’t stop him, didn’t pull away either when Roy stopped with his palm up so that Edward’s fingers rested in it.

“I have no intention of stopping,” he said, his voice quiet as he felt Edward’s finger move slowly, stroking back and forth across his palm.  His fingers dragged softly, skin against skin.  Edward felt warm, soft against his open hand.  It was the smallest of things, the simplest of touches, but it made his heart beat faster than any lover’s touch had in years.

Something was different tonight, something that he’d felt before but shied away from as quickly as he could.  Tonight, he wasn’t sure how to.

“When will Mrs. Rockbell-Elric be heading back to Resembool?” he asked instead.

“Day after tomorrow.  Al and I promised her that we’d take her shopping tomorrow.”

“Will you need a few days off to take her back to Resembool?”

“Nah.  Winry can make the trip on her own.”

“You are allowed to take time off to see your wife back home safely, Fullmetal.”

“Have you met my wife?” He scoffed.  “She’ll have new tools.  No one will be safe until she’s thumped someone with them.  Might as well be someone other than me.”

“You really think you’ll make it a full day?” Roy teased.

Edward laughed again.  “Probably not.  You trying to get rid of me for a few days?  Or are things that boring at the office that you don’t have anything for me?”

“I have something for you.  If you want to take your wife home though I could send it to someone else.  I appreciate that she came all the way to Central for tonight.  I’m sure Gracia and Elysia are thrilled to have her here as well.”

“Yeah, she’s good like that.  Everyone loves Winry.”

Edward’s fingers pulled back across Roy’s wrist and he nearly shivered at the feel of it.

“Exactly,” he wasn’t sure what he was doing but he turned so that he was standing with his body between Edward and the doors to the party.  Edward had moved as well, his back now against the balcony wall, his hand still lying in Roy’s.  He didn’t know what this was, but he didn’t know how to break it.  “So if you want to take your wife home, I will give the mission to someone else.”

“You do your job, Bastard and I’ll do mine.  And stop worrying about my wife so much!”

Roy smiled.  “She is rather lovely, Fullmetal.  I would hardly be the only man here tonight to notice her.”

Edward looked past Roy’s shoulder to the doors of the party.   His eyes seemed to soften for a second then something darker filled them as Roy watched.  “I don’t deserve her,” he said softly.  There was something guilty in his voice, something wretched in it.

Edward’s fingers still moved slowly over his palm until he’d gently nudged Roy’s hand to a vertical position.  His own fingers trailed down Roy’s fingertips and traced between them.  The light brush was maddening and Ed stilled his movements as their fingers were almost clasped.  The tone of Edward’s voice, the regret in it, gave Roy the will to pull his hand away.

“We should go back inside.”

Edward looked up at him.  “Wasn’t there some reason you called me out here?”

“Maybe I just needed a peaceful break before I returned to the politicking?”

“And you thought I would give you peace?”

Roy let out a bark of laughter at that.  “Maybe not,” he agreed.  He hadn’t really had anything in mind, except the need to check on Fullmetal.  He didn’t know that what had happened on the balcony made him feel any better about the situation though, no matter how the stolen moments felt.

“Problems?” Ed asked.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” Roy answered back, more instinct than anything else.

“Anyone to keep an eye on?”

He thought of what to say to keep Ed from realizing that Roy’s problem was Fullmetal himself and this maddening relationship.  Luckily, there was something to keep an eye on.  The man had been perfectly polite all evening, but Mustang didn’t trust him.  And he didn’t like the way the man had been looking at Edward earlier.  “Ackerman,” Mustang said.

Ed nodded.  He knew Mustang’s thoughts on the man.  Ackerman liked the military control of Amestris and he liked the power it gave him.    Ed might dislike a man who hadn’t spoken out against Bradley but he might believe he was unaware.  The fact that the man wasn’t on Roy’s side though, pissed Ed off.  Ed was loyal to a fault sometimes.

“I’ll keep an ear out.”

“Just be careful, Edward.”

Ed’s eyes widened because Mustang rarely used his full name.  “Of course.”

“I should let you return to your wife.”

“Too bad we can’t run away,” Ed said with a half-smile.

“Excuse me?” Roy was taken aback at the words and that made Ed smile even more.  Ed rarely caught him by surprise.

“Get rid of the monkey suits and find a bar instead of being paraded in front of everyone here tonight,” Ed said.  “Seems like a lot more fun to me.”

Roy let out soft laugh, and couldn’t help himself.  Whatever had been happening earlier had left him a little on edge and he spoke before he could think better of it.  “I’m sure if you showed up without a monkey suit at a bar it would cause quite a scene.  I doubt you brought a change of clothes.   I might enjoy the change of view though,” Mustang said before he turned and walked away, opening the door and heading back to the party.

Ed sputtered for a few minutes at the double meaning of the General’s words.  For all the flirting the General did, he rarely caught Ed out.  Of course, he wasn’t usually so overt with Ed, either.

Ed was so damn weak.  He had no excuse for the way he’d touched Mustang, unable to help himself.  He’d watched him as he danced across the reception from one person to the next all night long, beautiful and in his element, so confident and yet, there had been a moment when their eyes had met when he’d first arrived that Ed had felt completely naked.


He looked up to see his brother as he stepped out to the balcony.  “Hey Al, you having a good time?” he asked to cover his embarrassment.

“Oh, yes.  Elysia arrived and she was asking for you.  Is everything okay?  I saw you and the General talking.”

“He just wanted to tell me he had a mission for me.”

“Oh no.  You’re not leaving tomorrow are you?”

“No.  We’ll take Winry shopping tomorrow, but I’ll have to go to the office after she catches the train.”

“I thought you were going to take a few days to get her to Resembool?”

Man, his brother could criticize with just the tone of his voice.  Of course, it didn’t help that Ed felt guilty about his duplicity, but the less time he spent in Resembool the better.  “Yeah, I was, but you know how it is with the military.”

“After everything, you’d think Mustang would give you a little slack.”

“He’s under a lot of pressure, Al.  Just give him a little slack.  Besides, we’ll go shopping and Winry will be so excited over whatever tools she bought she won’t notice I’m not there anyway.”

“If you say so Brother.  But when you get hit in the head with one of her new toys, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Ed just laughed.  “Come on, let’s go save Elysia before Armstrong teaches her any bad habits.”

“Well, at least he’s kept his shirt on.”

“Small victories, right?” he said with a grin.  And if his eyes met Mustang’s as he entered the room and his face flushed slightly, Ed blamed it on the cool night air and the champagne.

fanfic: fullmetal alchemist, genre: slash, story: that would be enough, genre: het

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