worst dream i have ever had...

Feb 01, 2006 09:19

so yeah, i dont usually get bad dreams but last night was a freakin doozy. honestly it was probably the single worst dream i have ever had because it was one of those real world dreams where everything still follows real world rules and all the people are the people you would be around and even the places are all the same, well except for a few minor details.

ok where to begin. i woke up as i would any other morning, everything seemed normal but after a time of lounging in bed i heard these sirens. now in new york thats not a big deal but there was something different about these. i look out my tiny window to see smoke rising from the the building across the way, so i think wow a fire thats crazy maybe ill go check it out. im about to grab my stuff when there is a thump at my door, this is strange since i dont get visitors often. i go to open the door and a ZOMBIE nearly takes my arm off. thats it im freaked i get the door shut and tie the metal chain i have around the handle. i hear the sounds of the zombie trying to get in, thank gods that the door is solid core metal in hindsight. i panic for a little while wondering if im dreaming or not, now i dont know why this didnt make me snap out of it but thats a problem for another day.

so now i collect myself and accept what seems to be reality, now ironically i have often thought about what i would do in a zombie apocalypse and so i throw on the thickest stuff in my closet and pack my bag with food. here is another point of interest, i never have food in my fridge but i did for this, however you try to notice something like that when you are panicing and there is an ever increasing number of zombies scratching at your loosely barricaded door. i move to my window to see one of the most horrible sights i have ever seen in life, dream, or movie. people up against their windows being eaten alive and others turning into zombies before my very eyes, now keep in mind at this point i have accepted that this is real, now imagine seeing that stuff and knowing that it is not a movie. and so i slide through my window and scale the side down to the lower rooftop by grabbing air conditioners easy right. when i get a view of the street i vomited, thats all i need to say.

i managed to get to the street where i avoided other people and zombies that were either chasing, attacking, or eating. i also pissed myself but this was no time to think about it. i knew that i had to get home, i had to see certain people, but some people i already knew found me first, i had to run away from friends who now wanted to kill me, luckily i had a metal pipe, i assume i picked it up on the roof, so i escape all the while wishing that this was a dream, i find a cab that is still running but there is no driver in sight. i take it and go, screaming down the FDR. there are people and cars all along the FDR and they all want to get out, some clambered on to my car but i just kept driving.

now comes the worst part, well up until now the worst. i get across the bridge and i get on to the palisades, it is deserted, not a car in sight or a person. that im the only one feeling starts creeping up on me. but i know that i have to find out if certain people are all right. i drive for what feels like an eternity only to find the places i pass through in ruins, after some time i reach my final destination, i get to the door and the person i came for is not there, only a single dead zombie on the floor. i frantically search the small rooms and then i find them in curled up in the closet, i take the person out to the car and start driving again, i have no idea where to go now.

now here is where it gets really bad, i make a stop as it will soon be night, i manage to have a very half clear conversation with the person i came to get but then they get all quiet and slump over, i know what this means and i cry, yes i cried really bad.... then the really bad part happened, they came back. now ive seen my share of zombie movies and i always say that if a loved one turns you have to kill them, i will never say that with such ease ever again. i had my pipe, i could have done it, but i couldnt i just fell to my knees in tears and the person i loved ate me, well fell upon me and started biting, thats the part where i woke up screaming rolled to my toilet and puked, yes this nightmare made me puke.

but after that and some heavy breathing i started thanking everything i know how to thank that it was a dream. you know that feeling you get when you wake up from a bad dream and just get that amazing relief, ughhh that was the most wonderful feeling in the world. so i sprang up after all of it and wrote it down, as it is an amazingly rare event for me to remember a dream so vividly. and here it is for your reading enjoyment, hell if i have the money one day ill make it into a movie hee hee hee it would be a really good story with some tweaking.

oh well enjoy, oh and please gimme some feedback cause this one freaked me out somethin fierce and i wanna be told that its all ok haha thanks.
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