Jul 19, 2004 09:10
Hey everyone!
Thought I'd give a little update and let everyone know I'm still alive.
My internship is going really well...I've learned a lot, it's just a lot of hard work and loooooong hours...especially on horse show days, but I won some equitation classes, which means my hard work is paying off...(for those of you who dont know, Eq classes are judged on the rider, and not the horse, and out of 10 people, I rode the best, go me, lol}
Rolly's lame, so thats really sad, and Im worried that it could be carreer ending, but Im trying to think positively see what the vet says, hopefully we can see the vet on Tuesday, but i guess around here you have to trailer to the good vets, they dont come to you, so let's cross our fingers for Rolly.
Other than that, ive been working everyday non-stop, and pretty much looking forward to going back to Wells...
...though I am nervous about directing Gigs...I have such big shoes to fill, following Lil and Erin, that Im worried Im going to mess up the group...
Hope all your summers are going well
Miss you all sooooooo much!
See you guys soon!!!