Jack Hendley (Mutant Hunter)
hunteroffreaks [
Team X]
Real Name
Jack Hendley
The Hunter
Place of Birth
Montanta, U.S.A.
Date of Birth
Mutant Hunter
Known Relatives
Nora (Wife, Deceased), Reese (Son, Deceased), Betsy (
Link, Lover)
Group Affiliation
Team X
High School Diploma, Some College
Physical Attributes
Blue, Left eye is cloudy
Sniper skills are excellent. Proficient with other weapons. Good hand-to-hand combat. Has skills in tracking and hunting
His age prevents certain level of activity. He has no extra abilities beyond being a baseline human and no psychic defenses.
Launch Credit Jack is a normal human being, born and raised in Montana. He joined the Army right out of high school, did his time, and then got the hell out. He soon met a girl who was crazy for him, and they married, with one son and another on the way. That’s when everything went to shit. Jack went down one night to town with a few friends, to get relax, get a little drunk, and have a few laughs. He returned home to find his house turned into a bloody crime scene, his five year old son and eight months pregnant wife massacred. As it was explained to him, a mutant wanted by the FBI had fled to the rural house, taking his family hostage. They had tried to negotiate, but it had ended in their deaths and worse yet, the mutant had escaped. Jack’s heart hardened into a piece of stone at that moment. Mutants had been something he had only seen on the news up until then, not something affecting him personally. This left him with an everlasting hatred that has continued up to the present day. He hunted down the bastard that had taken his family, and shot the unarmed man in cold blood.
After this, Jack began hunting down wanted mutants, using nothing more than his training from his days in the Army and his wits. At first, it was only through luck and hunting down the young, inexperienced ones that he survived. As time went on, he realized he had developed a knack for the job. He eventually became known as a proficient mutant bounty hunter and tracker, noted for the fact he was an ordinary human being able to take down the extraordinary. He has worked for many governments and agencies, among them S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA, as well as private organizations and families, almost never failing in killing or bringing his targets back alive. During a particularly difficult case five years ago, he lost sight in his left eye, and retired, living on a small ranch in Montana. Bored out of his mind, he willingly accepted an offer from the U.S. military for one last job as an enforcer of the peace and tracker of deserters for a “special team."
He joined
Team X. His time spent with the team has proved to be interesting, to say the least. He ran into a few old foes, Victor Creed and Atticus Bergenson, while making many new enemies at the same time. His purpose on the team has been fulfilled several times, with his skills being made apparent as he was called on to execute mutants time and again. At the same time, his once lost humanity was rediscovered through his interactions with Nicky Creed, Victor's son, Dr. Hope Chandler, and Betsy Braddock, who eventually became his lover. He took over as team commander while Stryker was away, but now he is back to his main role of hunter on the squad.