On The Road: Red Rocks, Colorado

Jul 08, 2003 10:07

I don’t belong in this Party Van. I’m not a beer-drinker (“Bee Double-Ee Double-Are-You-En, Beer Run”), and I don’t think our scarce money should be spent on drugs (“But Food is Free, Hunter!”). Yet I do belong here. I’m not JUST a skinny middle-class white chick. Some seem to think I am an angel or blessing dropped down into the van without cause. I stay up until 1:00 a.m. singing songs and telling stories to keep Wagner (Moth) awake and interested while driving. The few awake people thrill and vibrate with me.

I tell Wag I feel eight different ways at once when I speak with Stephen. He says, “Sounds great!” He envies me. Yeah, I guess. I get so confused. I tell Wagner I think he’s at least as big as me. He snorts and says No. He thinks I’m HUGE, just confused, and when I’m not confused, I’ll know.

We need to get dogfood for Magi and Juniper. We picked them up on the way, and slept last night in the WalMart parking lot near Red Rocks, Colorado. Josh left us last night to hike into the Grateful Dead show. I helped Wagner get motor oil, and put it into the van myself. Spider Monkey didn’t expect me to know what to do (he did show me where the oil intake cap was). Next we head for Denver to visit the Denver Public Library.
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