Jan 18, 2012 01:01
As a theist namely Christian I have certain predictable standards of good and evil. In fact I believe the very concept of Good and Evil are Christian and Jewish in origin. For example in the Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, and so on the concept of something be evil or good simply does not exist. Instead they generally use the idea of destructive and constructive instead of good or evil. This differs from good and evil as there may be occasions when one would need or feel the need to be destructive and times when constructing something may have a outcome your would not like to see.
For good and evil to exist their has to be some kind of standard in place. Generally when something is out side of standards we consider it evil while those that fit inside these standards are defined as good. Being a religious man my standards are based in the text of the Bible and the belief that a Intelligent God is actively interested in my behavior and thoughts. Others like environmentalist based their standards on a kind of worship of a "ideal" nature although pinning down this ideal generally breaks them in to even smaller groups.
Now we live in a nation that is mix up with all sorts of standards. While Christianity is the majority faith it is also separated in to different groups. The real cause is as individuals we really have perceptions of only one person to work from namely ourselves. The result is we individually create these standards and while they may be informed from sources outside of ourselves we are the final (mortal) judge of these matters.
Yet being that we are not the only persons out there we continually run in to conflict with others perceptions of standards and thus of good and evil. This conflict is political in nature and there have been many ways of resolving these disagreements and agreements. Some like war purge those views that are too militarily weak to win while others have the majority view rule and still others have those who feel that they are the smartest and best rule.
So the short answer is for me God determines what is good an evil. For others it is their goals and personal interests that determine this. Still others claim there is no such thing as good and evil but for them the default are certain desires and goals and how something effects them determine if it is to be opposed, embraced, or ignored.
How is that?
standards ethics and good and evil