Mar 29, 2004 01:50
Great, I finally get Michael and Ben to let Ethan come over, and it gets completely ruined. By Justin, of course!
Yeah. Earlier today I asked Michael if Ethan could come over, but Michael said no, which sucked so much. I mean, God, would it fucking kill him to NOT ground me for a day? Does he think I'm going to run out onto the street and yell Okay, everyone can fuck me for $5 now?! Whatever! Anyway, Ben decided to work on our trust issues or something, so he made Michael give in. Ha ha.
Ben made this organic pizza shit that tastes really good if you forget that it's made of beans and vegetables and stuff. I think Ethan liked it. Or the little bit he was able to eat before our whole evening was RUINED. Things were going okay (Michael hadn't killed Ethan yet, I take this as a good sign) when Justin and Brian showed up. Brian rules and all, but does he have to bring Justin everywhere with him? It's sad he has to put up with that shit. Brian is just really great that way. Justin, like, FREAKED OUT that Ethan was here. He pointed at Ethan and went What the fuck?! Like it was this huge surprise or something.
So then Brian said he wanted to stay for dinner, which is like whoa. Ethan was being all clingy and lesbionic though. How embarrassing is that?! Brian was right there! I mean, don't get me wrong, Ethan is cool and all, but what if his touchiness made Brian not want to fuck me? Then Ethan got all offended, or something, and started bitching about Justin, only Justin was right there. It was so funny! I was shitting myself. And then Justin started yelling, "Why am I in Bizzaro World?! Why is my ex now a child molester?!" Which is just wrong because, hey, not a child here. So I told him to fuck off, and I may or may not have thrown tofu, and then Brian told me to fuck off, and Ben yelled at Brian to watch his language, and then Michael started screaming. It was insane! Why is everyone so DRAMATIC?! Jesus Christ!
Ethan made a big speech about how Brian and Justin sucked, which isn't right because Brian? So not sucky! He wanted me to leave with him, but I'm still grounded. I'm always grounded. One of these days I'm going to flip out and kill them all. And anyway, then Brian and Justin left and I had to clean up the tofu. Gross!
If Ethan doesn't want to come over anymore I totally understand. My parents are out of their fucking minds.