Hunter's still loving his hamsters. I haven't updated this in a bit. We have two now. Hippolyta and then we aquired a second that was suppose to be male and which we were going to name Bruce Wayne [Batman]. But as it turns out, 'Bruce' was a girl and so we named her Shayera after the superheroine
Hunter's having so much fun with them both and as an added benefit, they seem to encourage him to sleep in his room more. I think it makes him less lonely in there. They're pretty good at night and the small bit of noise they do make seems to bother me more than it's ever bothered him. Thank God he's a heavy sleeper.
He loves to be involved in their care - filling up their water bottles, putting the food in their bowls and giving them treats. The cage cleaning, I seem to get abandoned on. ;-)
Clean cages:
Hippolyta, her first time in the big cage:
Shayera, "Back off, it's my raspberry!":
Opening the ham treats
Shayera and Hunter