
Jul 09, 2011 16:00

Hotel room is booked for TFCon.  Left it later than ever, but finally did it.

Is anyone else going?  I soo don't want to be alone now that I've rather gotten used to being with the group, especially in a new location.  Google map doesn't seem to show much around it, so eating locations might be interesting.

Working on the second unit of my last course to finish my BA, and hope to have it done by Sunday night.  Then second essay this week.

Have seen DotM three times now (opening night, that Saturday, and last cheap-nite Tuesday).  Want to see it again sometime this weekend, Tuesday cheap-nite, and next weekend for a grand total of six movie viewings.  Yes, it's obsessive, but I saw the last two movies six times so don't have a good reason to not see this one too (why six, I don't know).

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