Nov 16, 2009 11:28

Hello LJ Flist,
Sorry I haven't been posting. It started with my motherboard dying and no computer for a couple weeks. Then I just got lazy and didn't feel like typing stuff. I've also stopped posting my schedule because I don't think anyone cared so there's no reason to put it on display. I've been writing more and more in my paper journal because most of the stuff going on right now is either wahhhhhhh or romance with new boy Rick. It's nobody else's business so I see no reason to post my whining or my kissing on the internet. I am not an LJ whore! But I AM lazy and don't feel the need to repeat myself several places when I've already recorded what I wanted to say. I do still read my flist and catch up on all your posts. I just haven't been inspired to post my own. Such a slacker! So know I am safe, and happier than I thought possible. It's like the worse my mood the more I have to say but when I can't remember what miserable feels like I don't feel like sharing.

excuses, date, life

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