A Night Out

Sep 10, 2013 22:33

Things had been quiet since he'd come home, since Ellie had started to grow a little closer to him. It wasn't easy and Sam still had his rough days, but they were working things out. An easy system - if Sam was hiding in the office, everyone kept their distance. Otherwise, they worked it out.

He was still a mess, still sleeping erratically and prone to nightmares, but he and Lois were sleeping in the same bed again, and things were.. they were getting better.

Which means even if Lois was distracted by a deadline, Ellie going through a growth spurt (read: cranky baby), Sam wasn't going to forget Lois's birthday.

He cleaned up the best he could, even shaved and made sure he was dressed up a little. Dean had taken Ellie for the night, which meant they had the entire evening to themselves. Now, all he could do was wait for Lois to get home.

.. hopefully on time.

lois!verse, sam

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