Hunter Ondo

Jul 28, 2006 15:29


Likes:Anime, Music, Science, writing, drawing, well written fanfiction, getting away with things, making emo philosiphies that I don't follow
Dislikes:Illiterate rpers, stupid people, little kids(ages 2 to 4), the pennywhistle,people who don't care about the enviorment,people who don't care about animals.
Strong points:Smart, fast typer, creative, friendly, good at talking,quick comebacks, undissable, fun
Weaker points:Stubborn, bossy, can't run, won't talk to people I don't like, can be very mean, manipulates people,ignores people, absulutley no attention span, can't spell.
Hobbies & Talents:Writing, drawing, roleplaying, playing the viola

Favorite color:Black
Favorite animal:Ferret
Mature or Immature?:Mature, I guess.
Leader or Follower?:Leader
Hyper or Calm?: Depends if I've had caffine...

Favorite Hunter x Hunter Character and why?:Illumi, because he PWNZ.
Favorite Hunter x Hunter Pairing and why?:IlluxHiso, I don't know why.
Favorite Hunter x Hunter Song:If it counts, I like "Passionless puppet of darkness" from the HxH musical.

Anything else?:Not really...

Pictures or say what you look like:
Hair:Brown and short
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