Bike to work month (and day)

May 13, 2009 21:59

We're about half way through Bike to Work month, and some strange, strange things have happened as a result of my biking and logging it all on my twitter feed.

I've been contacted by the Queen Anne correspondent for the Examiner, which is a newspaper of some sort. They must be running really short on things to write, because they want to do a news piece on me. I have no idea of what it is or what they're planning to put down, but I did a short interview with them and apparently the news piece will go up either tomorrow or Friday. Perhaps they're finally going to hunt me down and fine me for all of the moving violations I rack up every day riding to and from work. Seriously, it just takes too freaking long to get home if you stop at EVERY stop sign and obey the speed limits...

It seems that Bike Hugger wants to meet me on Bike to Work day and have a chat too. They're doing this to a lot of people so I feel it is less "special" than the QA Examiner, but their PR person contacted me and I told her of my guestimated ride in plans. Provided I can haul my lazy arse out of bed and actually leave on time, they'll meet with me sometime in the morning before I get to work and have a chat.

Apparently you don't have to log in to track my progress for Bike to Work month! You can click here and check it out there. If you didn't guess from the various names, my nickname is "Australian". Captain RR is our team captain, and he's a really funny bloke with a great personality. I'm personally shooting for the top 50 rankings of all the riders; if I can do better than 10125 riders in this Seattle commute challenge that really says something about my efforts, especially considering I took a week off at the start of the month. Right now I'm ranked 92nd or something with barely anything between the higher positions, so there's still quite a way to go. With the current standings it's 50 mi difference with 12 days to go. Maybe, with a little luck and a lot of cycling, I can close that gap over the remaining days. We'll see.

While on the topic of the Bike to Work month team, I neglected to mention something funny that happened when we met up for the first ride on May 1. I have a bit of a reputation on the biking group at Microsoft, and a memorable tag line on my signature. "Look Left, Look Right, Look Bike" - an old RTA campaign about looking out for motorcyclists from the 1980's. Well, when I first joined the team, Capt. RR looked at me, gave a huge grin and said, "Wow, I can't believe we have you on the team. THE K__ R____. Look left, Look right, look bike." I thought he was joking, but apparently he wasn't. He's pretty happy that I'm bringing the average mileage for the team up.

challenges, the long way round

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