Feb 13, 2004 14:49
so im waiting until i go to play practice....and then ill work on..well PLAY stuff!! and then i will get home then ya know where im going?!?! BAND PRACTICE!! gawd i cant wait!! i really hope it works out. meaning..i hope my parentals wont be like....'ur gone too much' or 'u allready had a band practice this week' or 'ur too devoted' or something liek that....my one dream is to be a singer and/or guitar player in a garage band...and HEY whatya know...i AM singer and/or guitar player in a garage band!! and after we have this practice i would be CRUSHED if i had to quit!! i hope i even getta go 2 night! lik i know..KNOW sumthin is jsut gunna happen liek .....15 min b4 i have to go and my parentals will be liek call em up and tell em ur not gunna make it. that....would destroy me. so last night id LIKE to say i slept well...but i did the exact opposite...went to bed about 2 in the mrnong...well layed there anyways.tehn i shut my eyes...and opened em RIGHT back up at 2 09 lovely aint it? thats how it was the WHOOOLE night..i really need SOMETHING and i have no clue what it is that is making me stay up. im not tired when i want/or have to go to bed..yet during the day im liek sleeping in class(not litterally ut almost) and it bugs me...ALOT. speaking of bugging...lets make a list of what bugs schouvi the most!!:
*mean ppl
*ppl who lie to me
*parentals that lie to me
*ppl who go behind my back
*overprotective parentals
*no privacy
*ppl who jsut have to know EVERYTHING=wont let them have the LEAST bit of privacy
*ppl who have to knwo ALL secrets
*parentals who have to know all secrets
*mike being gone
*ppl who are mean for no reason
*ppl who get the wrong impression of me
*pl who judge ppl(including me) wiht out knowing em
*ppl who make htings up to what THEY think is true
*ppl who pry into other ppl's stuff
*not being able to go anywhere..if there will be boys present
*not being able to hang out wiht david when he is my best friend...nothing more
*not being able to go to a friends house with out my parentals thinking sumthings up
*ppl in general
*when my parents read my online journal-take EVERYTHING seriously...
*when my parentals read my online journal becuzz they have to knwo EVERYTHING that goes on in my life
*when my parentals lie to me
i jsut want to love and be love by others...with out them not truth