Fringing a Gogo

Aug 09, 2006 14:51

So on Monday, I continued my endeavors to see as many shows as possible. Not wanting to drive in rush hour traffic, I went shopping at Bill’s in uptown in the afternoon, then headed over to La Societe du The for some tea and relaxation, and awaited the arrival of my friend J. She was later than predicted due to job demands, but she arrived in time for one cup of tea before we headed to the Mixed Blood Theatre for Wonders of the World: Recite. We met up with saracura and pied_piper70, who, I was glad to see, had alisgray in tow.

Next, J and I headed on down to the May Day Café, a Fringe BYOV, for Brewed Awakening. It’s a bit off the path, down at 34th & Bloomington, but not too bad a drive from the Mixed Blood Theatre - just straight down Cedar, then over a few blocks. Parking on the street was pretty easy.

It was almost 7, and we had both planned on getting a sandwich at the café as dinner, and J wanted coffee desperately. DENIED. Apparently the café closes at six, and while the space was available, the services were not. We did manage to purchase a couple of muffins to tide us over, but J was still coffee deprived.

The show was good, but long. It was 8:16 as the curtains closed (metaphorically) with the next show starting at 8:30. That we have to drive to, park, get tickets, etc. So I drove like a bat outta hell to the Southern Theatre, dropped J off at the curb, and looked for parking while she tried to get tickets. This was at 8:29. Luckily, I got a spot about a block and a half away, behind the theatre and on the side of the freeway wall. That’s actually probably the best place to park for the Southern, and it’s free. Luckily, they let us in, and we walked into Japonesque just as it was starting.

We saw saracura , pied_piper70, and alisgray again, as well as lsanderson. After some debate, (show, bar, home) J and I returned to our respective cars, and J went home. I had been hoping to pick up either Body Bazaar or Great Hymn of Thanksgiving as this was the last night for both of them. However, fringe fatigue caught up with me, spurred, no doubt by the lack of dinner, and subsisting on only a muffin and tea since 11 in the morning. I was also down in Uptown, near La Societe du The, with less than 7 mins to get anywhere, and get tickets, etc - and I just didn’t have the energy. If I’da had time to grab a sandwich somewhere, and a bit of a breather, I probably could’ve refreshed enough to see one more show. But it was not meant to be.
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