so this is how i look after a 12 hour night shift + hours more before and after. the only pic of us, rather, of me all togeter, from that day. ray called out and came up to spend the night mid last week. i felt grimey and disgusting from the lack of sleep and i couldn't fake a more upbeat look even if i tried. i was seriously drained and didn't get to bed until late in the afternoon the next day. had to cut hin out due to one of his peoplez' tendency to edit photos for laughs and giggles. i'll post pictures in a friends only entry once i get the chance. (i'm normally not that chinky.)
damn. i finally got my cam and i'm not using it the way i intended to. but hey, atleast i put one up regardless how eehhhhh i look, just because i promised, so don't hold it against me. picture sluting soon.
worked last night. goodnight morning, afternoon, whatever. sleep! @ 1 in the afternoon. boo! :(