Sep 09, 2005 22:56
Ok so long time since last update.sorry guys life is hectic right now.
First off im so sick of people trying to blame this hurricane on someone its nature there is not anyone to blame.America always does this,we play the blame game and cant just get over the fact that it happend and do all we can to help everyone in need.I just dont understand like on 9-11 ok that was someones fault but we tried to blame our government officals and say that they knew this would happen .Its not like anyone knew what to do after 9-11 or this hurricane so u cant just expect someone to take charge and fix everything in like a day.I just watched this new program tonight and the whole thing was like called "whose to blame?" i was like wtf .there is no one to blame this on...its nature sure you can say the media is hyping up the black population effected by this but i dont think that is really true.i do pray for anyone and everyone who has been effected by this disaster .god bless.
ok now that im done with my political words for the night.
**** i wasnt trying offend anyone with what i was saying
how is everyone doing?hope everyone is fine
love yall!