Yeah, only a week and a half or so after I get back from Tekkoshocon. No report, no interesting quotes, no pics, nothing... until now! I'll just keep this brief. Saw folks, had fun, did stuff, got laughed at, Mudkips had fun. How much fun did mudkips have?
Yeah. Mudkips got dem panties at Tekkoshocon!
Also, I CAN DRINK CAFFEINE AGAIN! HA!!! LENT AIN'T GOT NOTHIN ON ME!!! Yeah, I know I'm late, but me. I. Jayson D. Clarkson of Chicago, Illinois gave up drinking caffeine for 40 days, plus the Sundays, all the way until Easter. Small wonder that I was snorting lines of Starbucks and shooting up Dunkin Donuts, not to mention I've slept 4 hours in the last 2 days and feel fantastic. Go me.