mixed up

Mar 10, 2011 14:35

my screenshots folder was getting full of pics i've taken but never posted anywhere, so now i'm just gonna dump them here...

these are new, taken just yesterday:

these two were supposed to be a part of a bigger photoshoot, but i got lazy. anyway, they're Oona and Toby

now to the older stuff

Alita Soto getting her first kiss with some townie whose name isn't even important - she died shortly after they moved together :|| oh and they did get a kid together
Alita graduated with good grades, btw

another neighbor of the Soto family - Anastasia Something... i changed her hair to black later on, the red was a little too much imo. she also married a townie, but they broke up very soon after their wedding. now she has a new girlfriend and some kids

aaand here's Niklav Soto. he graduated with good grades as well.

this is his girlfriend, Polly. Polly is a vampire, and Niklav doesn't really like it (mostly because Polly is always sleeping during daytime, leaving him all aaalone)

poor boy, so lonely ):

so cool, i didn't know they could turn into bats!

and i thought vampires are boring... i should play then more often

oh nooo

their first kid, can't remember her nameee.. she's an albino, got the genes from Polly

one minor side project i have is taking some of my fav gelaroad sims and moving them to salvaheights. the first family i picked was the Ya family~

this is their new house... downloaded it from somewhere, but i think it's just too pretty not to show off

a HUGE makeover for Lemongrass. i also modified her facial features.


and then some pleasantview drama


blissfully unaware..

maxis: goth, misc, family: soto, misc: maxis

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