project Bella icon...

Apr 30, 2011 01:12

for a long time now i've been absolutely OBSESSED with the idea of making an icon of TS1 Bella Goth for myself.

since taking closeup pics of actual TS1 sims didn't work out so well, i went for the next best thing and the result can be seen above! :) it's a little bit too dark, otherwise it's ok.
it's plurk sized (which is kinda silly because i don't even use the said site atm. the size just seemed perfect!), the 100x100 ones didn't please me at all at this point!

this is attempt #1, there will be many more before i'll be satisfied and actually use the icon(s).

i love miniscule, tiny 'projects' like this :D...

misc, ts1, misc: maxis

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