Jul 05, 2005 08:24
Yesterday`s flight wasnt that bad at all. 10 hours went by pretty quickly. However two event i consider pretty unfortunate. I was 2 second away from boarding the plane in Vancouver when a chinese cop stopped me. Made me open my hand carry, went through a bit of my stuff. It was embarrasing. Of all the people who walked pass him, he stopped me. I should have yelled, Harrasment! I mean for fck sake, they x-rayed my God damn bag already and this dumbass cop checked me again? Jesus. He is chinese too, cant call him racist now can i. Other than that, i was hoping that i got bum up into business class because it packed. However, not only was i situated at the very last row of the plane, but the guy beside me was given the opportunity to go to business class ... Waah .... lol ... ah well, at least the new person who sat beside me wasnt a fat dude or smell. Anyway, 2 more hours before i leave the hotel for the airport again. Cant wait to go home. So close yet so far. Not much money left. Peace!
Note: There might be a of spelling mistake, no time to check it cuz running out of money. And i cant find the right comma thingy for word such as cant, after the N. Blaming this Jap keyboard!