Jan 03, 2010 15:51
Hey! Remember me everyone! Yup! It's your good ol' cousin' Bernie! (Are these exclamation points irritating you too!)
Guess what?! I got sick last Saturday after eating dinner with a friend. And not just "eating the food down at Taco Bell and got sick" (which ironically enough we ate at) No I mean seriously sick to where I vomited for hours and felt like someone ignited a H2 bomb in my gut. Yes it was horrible. After being bed for an entire day, still in pain, I was sent to the Doctor the next day. (Thank you to the good people at the local town clinic.)
The Doctor thinks it could be Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. GERD for short. I won't bore you with the details but basically my stomach can't handle anything unstable without sending me into a world of great hurt. Though I'll be going back to the Doctors on Tuesday to make sure his diagnosis is still on par.
For now I have to take it real easy. Believe me when I say that I couldn't even pick up a spoon after the second day. That was how bad of a condition I was in. They also have me on meds, one for the GERD and another to clean out my stomach real good. It's an anti-bacterial and it’s pretty strong. So strong that I have to make sure I have something in my stomach first before taking it. And even still I have to break it in half just to take it. Makes me nauseous here and there plus the constant coughing. What a way to come into the New Year.
If’s all good I will come off that pill and just be taking the GERD pill full time. Ominous indeed. I still don’t know how I fully feel about this. Does it suck. Yes. But am I letting it get to me. No. Just going with the flow of things. As I’ve done with most things recently. I hope I won’t be sidelined too long. And the weather hasn’t been too bad either, so there’s also something to be happy about. Just got to get use to my bland diet, whoopee.
A Happy New Year To You All