So, I've totally gotten into Leverage in the last few days (read: somehow managed to finish season one in the space of the three days. WOT?) I'm still only a few episodes in for season two BUT... thieves. Cleverness. Uh, more cleverness.
Seriously, I love all the heists they pull off.
Things I love:
Elliot's voice
The Heists
The cleverness
Parker/Hardison hints
Timothy Hutton
The fact that Nate's wife Meg was played by that one chick from the series Nero Wolfe
Uh, I like how they give these people complicated backgrounds that we don't always know specifically, but they make sense given the character. Parker and her social interaction (also, love that they don't make it like she's broken) or Elliot and the abused kid.
Things I did not like:
I sometimes felt they pushed Nate's drinking problem on us too hard. Sure, it ended up being important or whatever but... I dunno. Too forced. I hope Sophie's issues do no turn like that in season two.
Sophie/Nate seems forced sometimes. I know they hint at a past, but I wish they'd left a few more clues to what that past was. I actually would buy this pairing and like it (though I doubt I'll ever read fic for it), but I wish they could be less heavy handed here.
Awesome women but they never hang together. Sophie and Parker have one conversation together just them in that jury episode. No other just them convos (or at least none that aren't about men.) To be fair, tete-a-tete convos are not on screen much at all. If they are they end up being Nate/Sophie convos or Nate/person convos or sometimes Sophie/person convos. I do like how Parker of all people seems to be the only one who knows much about Sophie's bf. Their is implied girl-time off screen. But still. ON screen, please.
Other Things about Leverage:
The boston office is not as cool as the LA one (but I still love how that all ended and it got blown up!)
I'm not sure if I'll read fic for this or not. I mostly love the adventure of it, and I doubt that is easy to write, especially since it is all about plot twists. Eh, then again, maybe I'll be asking for recs in a day or two! We shall see!