the jitters

Jun 03, 2006 17:47

For the last week I have been reading obsessively, trying to get all possible information about drug testing, difficulty of anatomy, how choice of PhD program/project will influence specialty selection - oh, and there'll be a specialty, as it is apparently de rigueur for researchers (especially basic). I feel like I have to know everything now in order to be in control of my situation. This is a rejection of 23 years of bored passivity, which I guess floated me along well enough so far? Not really. My new macho attitude of "choke some productivity out of life maggot" will, I'm sure, fall by the wayside as soon as I am either A) daunted or B) unimpressed with my new classmates and/or the difficulty of the material - first up: anatomy - but I guess this should take around 2 weeks. I'm going to try to keep a clean house, run every day, etc. Maybe I can just inch a little closer toward "Rambo" and that will be enough.
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