Dear Diary

Jun 04, 2009 22:31

I don't know when I last posted anything longer than 140 characters. I think some of it is that I have a couple of things I want to blog "properly" about that have required some mulling (and may yet get mulled into non-existence) and I've been postponing the "dear diary" postings while I've mulled. Today I will post a list of minor gripes.
  1.  I am sick of my neck hurting. I think I should get regular physio before it gets bad rather than treating it after the fact. I buggered up my wrists carrying Crispin as a toddler and my neck with Ferdi so I should probably stop at two kids if I want to maintain any functioning body parts.
  2. I need warm practical winter clothes. Specifically I want tops that sit lower than my belly button. Also next month I have to go "semi-formal" to a work do of Jamie's. I'm never sure what that really means so obviously the time to start panicking is now.
  3. The fucking bathroom still isn't done. We have a new hot water tank and I have to grudgingly admit it's wonderful to turn on the tap and have hot water come gushing out at such pressure but when the builder rebuilt the cupboard around the tank he made it look really stupid. We got him back to redo it and it looks marginally less stupid. It could still be better but I just want to be done with it. We still need the cupboard painted as well as a foot of skirting varnished and a toiletroll holder installed and the painter probably can't come until Tuesday.
  4. I'm still not sure what to think about how Crispin's doing at school. His handwriting and spelling are coming along in leaps and bounds but he still has a couple of days most weeks where he just never starts writing. I think he waits for the elusive perfect idea rather than just going with the idea he has. His teacher is quite keen on the kids learning things like basic maths facts and simple spelling words so that they know the answer instantly. He has them doing things like racing the clock to write all the pairs of numbers that add to make 10. Lots of the kids love this sort of thing but it is a complete mismatch for Crispin's very cautious and considered learning style and he lands up flustered and forgetting what he knows. I always knew he'd be a hard kid to teach so I guess we were really lucky that last year he had a couple of teachers who really got where he was coming from almost immediately.
  5. It's far too cold.
  6. It's Ferdi's birthday in three weeks and I haven't even begon to plan anything.

whining, whinging, kids, complaining, bathroom, school

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