Lest We Forget

Apr 25, 2012 12:09

Today I am remembering the conscripts and the young folk duped into thinking war would be a great adventure. I'm remembering those who didn't come back and those who came back hurt and broken in mind and body. I am remembering civilian casualties and victims of 'friendly fire' and the children who stumble onto minefields. I'm thinking of everyone who lost a child or a parent, a friend or a lover. I'm thinking of those who have been, or still are, held as prisoners of war and those in concentration camps and internment camps. I'm thinking of the conscientious objectors who have been punished harshly for their pacifism. I'm thinking of those who have lost their homes and their livelihoods, who have gone without food and clothing in times of war. So much sorrow and loss and so very little that is glorious.

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